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It had been a while since he threw me down here but I could still hear his footsteps so I knew I couldn't leave yet.
"Shit", I said as I felt my stomach hurt more and more. Come to think of it I never really checked to see what he engraved but I knew it was deep because it wouldn't stop bleeding. I forced myself up and started looking for something to rap it with or at least to cover up so no one would see it. I had spent a while looking and finally found a shirt and a jacket so I took them both hoping they would help.
"Finally the dickhead went to bed", I said as I started making sure I had everything.
"Jacket? Check. Extra shirt? Check. Money? Check. Okay I think I have everything".
I made my way to the window that was down here. I don't think Bill knew about it because it was kinda hidden by everything. I carefully removed the window hoping I wouldn't make any noise and climbed out. I checked around to make sure no one was watching and booked it down the street.
"I'M FINALLY FREE!!", I screamed knowing I was too far from the house for him to hear me. The thought of me being free just kept going through my mind. I was actually out of the shit hole, no more abuse, no more Bill.
"Holy shit I'm free", I said as pools of water started forming in my eyes. I stopped running and started looking around because honestly I had no clue where I was but I saw the big city and started making my way there hoping to find the bus station.
If I want to get out of here I need to find that bus station.
"Excuse me ma'am, I don't mean to bother you but do you know where I can find the bus station?"
"Oh it's not trouble and just follow this road for about a mile down and you should reach it".
"Thank you so much!"
I didn't really know how far a mile was because I'd been locked in that hell hole since I was 5 so I guess I'll just walk till I see the station.
Part of me was thinking this lady was lying to me because it felt like I was walking forever and I was about to give up but I was so relieved that I had finally reached it. I had used all the money I had to buy a ticket for the farthest place I could go to. The driver said it would be about 22 hours before we got there so I took the time to sleep and man was it nice.
I know this ones short to but I promise I will try to make them longer. I'm also trying to get 2 chapters done each day but if I don't I'm sorry, I'm just very busy!

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