Android Circus

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Android Circus

As the day began in the city of Thread, a boy went missing.Many a day passed before anyone noticed his dissaperence, seeing as he usualy kept to himself

He had one friend though.A young girl named Hiro, who was very concerned for his safety.In a despreate attempt to find him,she went to his father, and was not pleased with what she found.


"Mr.Blake?"Hiro called through the crack of his office door.

There was no reply.

Walking into the office, she saw no sign of anyone in the room.She sighed and sat in his chair."Where could he be.He's usualy here at this hour."she said running her fingers through her short hair"I might as well wait.School can wait."

And today was suppossed to be our first day of highschool, too.

She glanced at his father's clutterd desk.There were several stacks of paper, bits of metal, and tiny models of the companies newest androids.One in particular caught her eye.

It was a small, child-like android that had a red torso with white limbs.She remembered seeing a sketch similar to it pinned to a wall in William's room.With shaking hands, she sat it back on the desk.To painful, she thought.

Her stomache growled fircely.

"I shouldn't have skipped breakfast"she stepped out of the office, hoping to find a vending machine nearby.

She walked through the maze of hallways, peeking through the windows on each door as she passed.Most rooms were just labs or testing rooms.At the end of the hallway, she heard a small, muffled scream.She pushed on the door, but it refused to budge.Again and again she pushed, raming into it with her sholder untill it finally gave way.The door opened to a second hallway.

She ran through the hallways,around corners, and slamming through doorsThe sceaming continued, but never got any closer.

Cupping her hands around her mouth, she yelled,"Hello!Is anyone there?"Just as before nobody answerd."Where is everyone?Why can't I find one bloody person in this building?Where the hec-"a slick, wet hand covered her mouth

Is that...blood?

She tried to speak, but the hand clasped her mouth shut.

"Please don't speak.They'll hear and come for me again."said the mysterious person.She placed her hands on his, and gently pulled it off.

"William, is that it you?"she said glancing behind her sholder.A young boy swith light brown hair and green eyes smiled at her.She smiled back.Then she noticed the cuts and scars."What happened to you?"

He glanced up adn down the hall, and pulled her into an empty closet.Looking into her eyes with a saddend expression, he said,"He used me as a lab rat.My own father."She could see tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes."They failed...they all failed."

"Who failed?William, tell me what happened.I don't understand."

"The androids my father madeHe tried to make them more life like, alone couldn't make them feel emotions or think for themselves the way he wanted.So he decided to use a different material entirely."

"Humans..."Hiro whispered to herself."That dosen't sound like him at all.But more importantly, how could he use his own child?It's just...sick"

"His love for science drove him insane and dulled his senses.In the end, all that mattered was his work '

Hiro lowered her head.With clenched fists, she said,"Let's get you home."


Slowly, Hiro raised the end of her hoverboard, bringing to a full stop.William stepped off the board and began to speak.

"Theres nothing you can do.You know that right?"

"Yes, but even so, I can't leave things as they are.What he did was wrong,sinful.Do you excpect me to just stand here and let him continue this madness?"before he could answer, she pushed off back into the streets.She called back,"I'll be back soon."

"Be careful!"

"I willDon't worry."she yelled back.But will I really be okay?

Will I die?

She pushed the thought out of her head and focused on navigating through the traffic.

"Crap...what to do, what to do.I can't just rush back into his office empty handed.If only I had a-"

She stopped and smirked.


Gently caressing the smooth exterior of her new stun gun, she entered the large building once more.

"I just hope that it won't be necessary."she whispered.

She walked past the front desk, nodding politely the the guards and entered an empty elevator.All the while, keeping the small gun hidden safely under her jacket.

As she got closer to his office, her stride quickend.

The decision I made may be rash, but it's the only thing I can do...right?No, it's the just the only thing I know to do.It's to late to turn back anyway.

She sighed, hugging the gun to her chest, and ever so slowly opened the door.On the other side sat a man in a dark black suit.He resembled an older, more annoyed William.

"Hello Hiro."he said.His eyes stern and dissaproving.

"Hello to you to."her grip on the gun tightened.Seeing him now only made her want to pull the triger more.Was this really the man she once knew?The man whoalways welcomed her warmly, and had become like a second father to her?

"Shot...please."he sighed, and his muscles relaxed."You understand right?"

"As clear as day."

The last thing he saw was her tear sticken face



lame ending is lame!anyways, this was writen for my pre-ap english class a couple of mounths ago.i  thought it turned out well(sorta :P)so i decided to post it.hope you enjoyed reading it!

this chapter is dedicated to purplegal13 becuse you've been a real help with my writing lately!

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