| another one? |

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You and Mikoto decided to walk eachother home, you too were becoming alot closer seeing you had so much in common. While walking you also encountered Saiki.

"Saiki! You arent my soulmate anymore.." Mikoto said with a sad tone

Saikis expression didnt change, instead he just nodded.

You all were walking home together at this point

"So, where do you live ag-"

"Hey! I think you broke my arm, thats like 1 million yen to fix!"

"You better pay up!"

About 10 feet infront of them was 2 jerks trying to get some money off of a poor girl, wait, thats not any poor girl. Thats the girl who saved you from that car earlier!

"Do we help her?" Mikoto blurted out

"I have no idea what to do, though." You responded

Before you could do anything the two jerks completely flew straight into the wall behind them

'Was that Saiki? Or was it the girl?'

Normally the girl shouldve been completely shocked but she began to walk away completely...unbothered?

So was it her?

"Wait! Arent you the girl who saved me earlier?"

The girl completely stopped in her tracks

"What?" The girl responded

"You moved.. that car?"

"Uh, no..."

"Turn around then?"


"How'd you make those dudes fly into the wall like that?"

"I did not..."

"Hmph, from my perspective..seems like you did..."

"Or maybe you're going insane?"

"No! I saw you do that to the guys too!" Mikoto finally spoke up

With a sigh the girl finally turned around.

"What are you trying to prove here?"

The girl was very pretty, she had a scar over her left cheek and one across her eye, she also had thick black eyeliner and a long black leather jacket, she looked insanely cool.

"Oh wow, u-uh!" You spitted out

She just stared back with a raised eyebrow and started walking away

"You're a psychic, arent you?"

She stopped again.

"Psychics dont exist."

She then turned on her heel and walked away, all in one swift move.

soft spot ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱  s. kusuoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora