I Hope That We Meet In Another Life

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"I loved you once,

I loved you twice,

I loved you in my previous lives,

And when I die just keep in mind,

I'll love you in another life."

--- Until Eternity by Blackbriar


Zhen Yan wondered how it all came to this.

Bodies lay, slayed and disembodied, their blood pooling into a river of crimson liquid against harsh cold stone floors. His hands shook, unable to fully comprehend what had happened, unable to accept why this was happening. Tears pricked his eyes, his nose burned and his throat clogged up. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to think. 

There he stood, before the bodies of his loving mother and father, his baby sister and her husband-to-be, face cold as the snowy mountains that Immortals were said to have lived upon centuries ago. He wore black robes, it blended in with the shadows the burning lanterns gave off on this frigid dead night. His blade was out, dripping with the spilled blood of Zhen Yan's flesh and blood. The same blood that drenched the edges of Zhen Yan's own robes, his knees harshly making contact with the ground as he fell, legs too weak to keep standing.

He was beautiful, even in the blood of Zhen Yan's family, even with the face as stone-cold as the very ground beneath them, even as he looked upon Zhen Yan with a foreigner's eyes.

Zhou Xu.

Zhen Yan choked on a sob, felt the tears of it burn like fire down his cheeks in a scorching warpath.

Zhou Xu, his soulmate.

His fiance.

Zhen Yan didn't understand. Couldn't understand. Why was this happening? What was going on? Why... Why... Why... ?

"A' Xu?" Zhen Yan cried out, "Why!?"

Zhou Xu looked at Zhen Yan with blank eyes, no warmth or any ounce of fondness they would usually hold.

Just yesterday, Zhou Xu had held him in his arms, kissed him and made love to him before they slumbered away. Zhou Xu sang praises against his bare skin, touched him as if though he were worshipping him. Zhou Xu shows no indication of that now, no love within those eyes, no gentle smile upon those lips.

"How pathetic," Zhou Xu stated, blinking unimpressed at Zhen Yan, "You weep for them but now, who will weep for you?"

"Why did you do this…?" Zhen Yan whispered, feeling mad with questions left unanswered, "I don't understand…"

Zhou Xu sighed, raising an eyebrow, "No, I don't suppose you would. The fairest but not the brightest, what a shame."

Zhen Yan whimpered at his cruel words.

"I loved you," Zhen Yan quietly responded, tears falling and mixing with the spilled blood on the ground.

"Love is for children," Zhou Xu flatly answered back, "It makes you weak. You fell so easily and so foolishly, it was no trouble at all achieving the whereabouts of the Armoury Key once you deemed me fit to marry. I expect more from you, Zhen Yan. All that notable fame and not a single praise was lived up to. A shame, indeed."

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