When a Robinson meets a Hamada

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San fransokyo-2030

Hiro was walking home from a hard day of superheroing - Well, Hiro wouldn't really call it Hard more like the opposite of Hard, Easy and he wouldn't really call it Superheroing either more like a day of relaxing with friends and eating food.

It seemed that after superheroes were legalized, every criminal with an IQ higher than the room's temperature knew it was time to retire since soon since they would have to deal with much more than the big hero 6.

Hiro was both excited and anxious about the news that superheroes were legalized since it would let the 6 continue operating without any real legal ramifications but it also meant that there was a big chance that the government would be interested in them and their technology...

Hiro let out a deep sigh, he really would have to speak more about the issue with the team, he had mostly skimmed through it when asked, but right now Hiro didn't really want to think about that so he looked at the radiant white moon.

Hiro's jaw flew open and his eyes suddenly became as wide as dinner plates. What he saw... he hadn't ever seen before, it was aqua-colored and looked like some sort of boomerang with the middle being a circle and having a glass dome on the right side of the circle. And the thing that really surprised him was that it was flying straight up ahead, way above him, but the machine was lowering into the ground and then... BAM!. The machine crashed into the street ahead of Hiro, its dome full of black smoke, Hiro out of sheer curiosity and confusion ran up to the strange machine.

The time machine-2030

'I am So Dead' Wilbur thought, his head pounding. He got out of the cockpit and tried to clean the smoke stains out of his arms.

'My face is probably filled with this black stuff, too' Wilbur thought sadly, giving up on cleaning the smoke stains, he looked to the time machine.

"Oh No!" Wilbur despaired loudly. The time machine was broken, not as badly as last time but still broken badly. 'What to do? What to do? Well, I should somehow get someone to fix the time machine and get a compatible chip, which means I'll have to find dad, But I don't know where dad is right now, speaking of now, when and where am I right now?' Wilbur thought to himself while stroking a seemingly invisible beard on his chin and walking in circles around the time machine, before looking around the place and catching the eye of Hiro, they both looked at each other, both didn't know what to say.

"Hey, You!" Wilbur shouted, Deciding to take his 'Time Cop' persona, Wilbur ran up and placed his hands on Hiro's Shoulders.

"You gotta help me, Dude!" Wilbur pleaded taking his hands off of Hiro and instead put them together in a manner that accentuated his pleading tone.

Hiro couldn't really say no to anyone calling for help even if the circumstances were extremely strange and science-fictiony even if his life was really strange and science-fictiony already, but that came with the superhero gig, but Hiro had to admit, this was too strange even for him. A strange machine falling from the sky and what could be an alien, asking him for help, it sounded straight off some sort of Sci-Fi film.

"Okay, Okay, Okay," Hiro said, trying to reassure Wilbur. "But first, You have to tell me who are you? And what is that?" Hiro said his tone full of reassurance but also curiosity on the request of wanting to know more about the machine.

Wilbur sighed impatiently, "look dude, we don't really have time for this".

"Tell me, or I won't help you" Hiro threatened, an empty threat, of course, Hiro couldn't really ever ignore anyone calling for help or who was in danger after Tadashi... it was just that he was really really curious.

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