Shiftless: Chapter 1

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Today just keeps getting worse, Joelly thought as she pulled her car in front of the wide stairs leading up to the entrance of the mansion she was now ogling.

She felt her brow wrinkle and sighed, putting her fingers to her forehead in an attempt to massage away the bothersome etchings and the weariness behind them.

Her mind slowly calmed and she re-capped over how she even got herself into this mess.

She had just finished up editing her own manuscripts and had them sealed when Clair, her senior in the publishing business and closest friend, came rushing up to her with an air of urgency.

"I need a huge favor?" She was rocking from foot to foot and wringing her hands together, showing signs of desperation.

Jo pouted her bottom lip in disappointment; She had hoped to leave early and get home in time to take a nice bath and nap before night took over and the pale moon's light began running silver hot through her veins, causing her desire to hit the werewolf clubs and work off it’s power over her pump into overdrive.

Clair seemed to notice her look of disappointment and started to fidget more, placing her hands together in a begging ball and dropping her head. "Please, help me out! Your my only hope Jelly!"

Jo sighed heavily and drooped her shoulders in defeat when Clair used that adorable nickname she'd adopted when Jo was only a child.

She supposed her wolf would just have to be patient and keep her panties on for a little longer than she had planned.

"Sure, I'll help you." She forced a smile, causing Clair to smile herself.

"Great! I need you to stop by my son, Dylan’s, home? You know, the one who creates those video games and comic books you love?" Clair wiggled her eyebrows, making Jo question what her true intentions were.

"Why am I stopping by?" Jo asked worriedly.

Clair had a knack for match-making when it came to her children, and, although she never used it on Jo, for which she was grateful, she had used it on a friend of Jo's.

She had "coincidentally" decided to go into the modeling agent business three years ago and, while visiting Jo at her late mother's art gallery, she met Allison, Jo's college dorm-mate and best friend.

Allison, Jo knew, was a wall flower; she was very afraid of the world, spawning from a traumatic experience in her childhood. So to get into the fame game had frightened her beyond belief.

However, with Clair's guidance and the love of Clair's artistic son, Alex, Allison broke out of her shell and is currently on the cover of every fashion magazine.

"Your stopping by because I can't go check on him. I'm swamped with editing and I have to get home before Grace brings the kids over for the weekend."

Jo pursed her lips in a disgruntled way, "Fine. I can stop by. But if this is part of some match-making scheme and it fails, you have to do all my editing, plus yours, for a month." She smiled triumphantly, but then her smile died when she saw Clair's own triumphant smile.

She turned away and bustled up her work along with her purse, leaving before her now rapidly beating heart got to her.

Jo sighed heavily and got into her car as she thought over what it'd be like to get the man of her dreams. She really did have a thing for Clair's oldest son, Dylan, but she would never admit it because she told Clair she disliked him, but only loved his work, to avoid being forced onto him.

Before Clair had joined the publishing company, Jo was in charge of editing Dylan's manuscripts for his comic book series, but she had never met him. He always mailed his work in to her, and, rarely, called or emailed her if he did have any trouble.

She had questioned her boss once about why she could not visit Dylan's home to make it easier for him, and his answer was simply that Dylan had requested that they stay away because he appreciated his space.

Jo could understand that, being a werewolf and all, space was precious. But it was still a bit off-putting to be in love with the man when she has never met him.

She was so deep in thought she barely noticed that she was already in front of Dylan's home.

Her eyes nearly popped out of her head at the site. He definitely appreciated his space, and LOTS of it. But she had to admit, even she felt at peace from just the sight of his home.

In front of her car was a giant, medieval style wrought iron gate between two brick walls that looked like they stretched on forever. Beyond it was a long stretch of road that led up to a house that looked more rural than she expected. Around the house she could see grass that reached a good one-hundred feet on each side of it, meshing into trees that made up what appeared to be a forest.

She had to get out of her car to press the button for the gate. There was no answer.

Clair had given her a key to use for the gate if there was no answer. So she used it, her heartbeat rising as she heard the click indicating that the gate was unlocked.

She was a little disgruntled that she had to push the gates open herself. If she wasn't a werewolf with enhanced strength she would have had to use her car to get it open, and she loved the little green Volvo too much to put it through that sort of stress.

She finally got the gate open enough to get her car through while avoiding getting any scratches or dents. She drove up the long path that seemed to stretch on for a good twenty minutes. When she finally reached the house it seemed bigger than she had thought from the gate.

Jo got out of her car after parking in front of the stairs leading up to the high porch. She stood in front of the them and stared up nervously, her heart about to fly out of her throat. She took a deep breath and easily climbed them two at a time; the faster she confirmed that he was alive and well, the faster she could calm Clair's worry and her own heart.

She gulped when she was standing in front of the door, then closed her eyes and lifted her fist to knock on the door. She knocked a little too hard though, and the door swung open and slammed open. She jumped back and nearly screamed, but she saw there was nothing there buy the darkness of the entrance.

No lights at all, which she thought was weird. She peaked in and could see the living room; every curtain was shut tight. She looked around outside and  then back to the house, took a deep breath, and slowly walked inside, her nerves and her instincts on edge.

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