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"Thanks." Chiara said and walked out of the room and back into the bathroom to get changed.

Once she was done, she walked back into the guest room to find JJ laying there on the bed staring at the ceiling. Chiara went over to the bed and laid next to him doing the same.

"How ya feeling?" JJ asked her.

Chiara shrugged, "I don't really know. I mean I witnessed someone get murdered, I crawled through a storm drain to find the murder weapon only to almost drown in sewage water, still managed to get said weapon, only for it to all go to waste because the cops in this town are too busy eating out of Ward's asshole to actually do their jobs."

JJ chuckled at her last sentence, "They really do eat up Ward's ass huh?"

"All the time." Chiara sighed. "I just want my best friend back."

JJ turned his head to look at the girl who was still staring at the ceiling. "We'll get her back. We'll get both of them back."

"And how can you be so sure?" Chiara turned her head to look at the boy who had already been staring at her.

"I'm not." JJ shrugged. "But I can't imagine my life without John B, so I like to have hope, it's the only thing keeping me going right now."

"You guys are really close huh?"

"Since the third grade. I don't think I would be where I am right now without him." JJ told her.

"Of course not. Right now we're trying to bust a murder he's being wrongly accused of." Chiara commented. "Without him, there'd be nothing to bust."

JJ smiled softly, "You've got a point."

"Always do."

The two fell into a comfortable silence for a while. Not really knowing where to continue from there, before JJ broke the silence.

"Why'd you only call me?"

Chiara furrowed her eyebrows, "What are you talking about?"

"Earlier today, when you were drowning." JJ started. "Kie, Pope, and I were all trying to lift the top of the manhole, but you only said my name. Why?"

Chiara thought about her answer for a moment. She hadn't even realized she'd only called JJ's name. She was so scared in that moment, that she was just saying whatever came to mind.

"Well, I guess it's because you've been the one I'm closest to in a way." Chiara answered.

"How? Kiara's literally your twin sister." JJ questioned. "You also hate me."

"I don't hate you."

"Yes, you do. Every time I've talked to you, you're always insulting me or shunning me away."

"That's not because I hate you, you're always making some sort of inappropriate joke or calling me Juliet so I retaliate." Chiara explained. "I don't hate you. If I did, you'd know."

JJ smiled at that. He's always thought the girl was cool and wanted to get to know her more. Outside of being a Kook and Kiara's twin, he knew nothing. He always assumed she hated him, so for her to say that she didn't made him feel a lot better.

"That still doesn't explain why you called me instead of your sister." JJ mentioned.

Chiara sighed, "As you've probably noticed, Kiara and I don't have the best relationship."

JJ's definitely noticed. They argue every five seconds, granted every argument is started by Kiara, but he never commented on it because it doesn't concern him.

"Seeing as our relationship literally sucks, I don't feel comfortable enough around her. And Pope's cool but we haven't talked enough for me to feel comfortable around. Not to mention he's literally in whatever situationship he has with Kiara." The brunette clarified. "You've been the one person out of this whole thing who's been constantly nice to me. Which is weird because you don't seem like the nice guy type."

JJ shrugged, "I can be. Usually just to pretty girls though."

"Ah, so you're only nice to me because I'm pretty?" Chiara raised her eyebrows.

During their conversation, the duo had turned on their sides so now even their bodies were facing each other and not the ceiling.

"Nah, you're also kind of cool."

"Kind of?"

"Yeah. Kind of." JJ smirked.

"Well, I guess you're kind of cool as well." Chiara shrugged with a smile growing on her face.

"Good to know." JJ returned the smile.


rewatching the show for this and i forgot how in love i am with jj especially season 2 jj

also season 3 when 🤨🤨 like i'm so tired of waiting i need it right now

bye loves <3

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