Chapter - 2

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Hey guys

This is the next chapter. Nothing much to say, but here is the chapter from Virat and Pakhi's point of view. It's easy to write what Pakhi is thinking, but to write about Virat is difficult but I tried my level best.

So here it goes.

While some of us act without thinking, too many of us think without acting - Dan Millman.

Blaming – the fine art of making others responsible for all the difficult things that happen to us. Every person knows that this is a bad habit, but often, we see human beings doing this, just so that, we can be free from being accountable to the things that happen to us, by whomever it maybe. But what they do not realise is that, they are paving way for more guilt, that they have been avoiding their whole life. Pakhi and Virat fall in this case. Both of them are the reasons why, four lives has been drastically changing. Nobody knows what would happen next. If Virat had called Pakhi or else if Pakhi would have stopped her marriage with Samrat, then things would be completely different. But, life doesn't happen as you want it to happen.

Since those two days, one when Pakhi married Samrat and the other when Virat married Sai, both Virat and Pakhi had to accept their fate and move on. Virat thankfully understood it, but needs more time to get to the right point whereas Pakhi has never moved on and always looked for a chance to get close with Virat or break the trust both Virat and Sai had on each other. One such situation was during Devi Taai's wedding, but that back fired as Virat knew the truth. But now, at this moment she feels full or let's say she is really happy with what has happened. Infact, she was the one who set up, it was her plan. Often, people like Pakhi are happy with what they have done at the present, but they fail to think about future when the truth comes out.

Once Virat started understanding who the actual Sai was, he started admiring her, supporting her. After what she did for his sister's happiness, he started falling in love with her. But many external forces caused him to act like, what he did to her, throwing her out of the house at midnight and spoke words that hurt her deeply. One quality that Virat has and the Chavan's lack is the ability to own up to their mistake and apologise, which he did, once the truth came. Virat loves Sai, but that love vanishes, when a point comes where he has to choose between her and family. He may be silent while the family thrashed her and spoke nonsense, the silence itself is speaking that for him, his family is his first choice. The day Virat speaks up for himself and his wife even against his family, is the day Virat's love for Sai is true in every sense. He may have sympathy for Pakhi, as his fault was there too, instead of clearing everything to both Pakhi and Sai, Virat chooses to remain silent, which is mistaken by both Pakhi and Sai. For Pakhi his silence meant that, she still has scope for him while for Sai, his silence meant that he still loved Pakhi. No one expect Virat knew the truth.

One promise, two hearts, three people suffering, four lives.
1. One Promise - The promise given by Virat to Pakhi
2. Two Hearts -  Virat loves Sai, Sai loves Virat. One realised and other one has no chance of realising it due to circumstances
3. Three People - Virat, Sai and Pakhi. All the three suffered watching each other.
4. Four Lives - Virat, Sai, Samrat and Pakhi. Four lives has been turned upside down and no way to come out of it.

Hey guys, thank you for taking out your time and reading this. Hope you like it.

I tried my level best to bring out point of views of the four people. So from the next chapter i would dive into the main plot. There would be changes here and there accordingly.

Also, will be uploading the next chapter in Sairat book, Revelation - 3 by tomorrow night or Monday afternoon. As much as I try, I am busy these days. But I will not disappoint you guys and will be uploading them regularly, like I usually did.

I hope I did justice to this part. Please let me know how it is in the comment section.

Until next time.

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