Hi! just want you to know guys

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Im not very good at english because im from Sweeden suprise uhm yeah so if im spelling words or meanings wrong then please don't hate in the coments. Im also new at this so im not good at writing but please give me advices in the coments then hopefully I can make this book better.

And im gonna try uppdate when I can And have time so please be pacient and stay with me. I have school so it is much now. AND IM SOOOO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS BOOK I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT!! cause like i said this is my first story. you are free to give me idea's and inspire me cause my brain are broke homie. and there are disclaimers and warnings in this book so if you're not liking the subjects that are in this book and more then please don't read. this is from my fantasy. i don't even know what I wanted to come with this so... yeah.

and im really sorry for the little short shapter but i didin't know what to write.. and im trying my best but i don't even know if even one person is gonna read this so thats sad facts for thr day..

i'ts currently 23:06 in the night and im suposed to be sleeping but HEY! i wanna read fanfics even when im gonna go upp 06:00 tomorow morning so goodnight my little Evenstans !!!!


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