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(Hi everyone, I'm sorry for how long it takes me to write chapters. I have things going on but I promise that I'm trying)

~time skip to a few years later~

Izuku is now in U.A. Shota and Hizashi both already found out about Izuku's quirk and the only a few other people know about it. 

~present day~

Izuku was walking to walking to class while reading a book not really paying attention. when he suddenly falls to the ground. "oh my god I'm sorry dude" a black haired boy says 

Izuku looks at him in amazement. This guy is ripped and super hot. "I-It's okay" Izuku says while blushing a bit. 

the boy helps him up and then interduce himself  "Well my name is Hanta Sero"

"Hello Sero. My name is Izuku Midoriya"

"Nice to meet you umm are you walking to class?"

Izuku nods "I have my dad Shota Aizawa"

"WAIT! Your Sensei Aizawa's kid?!"

"Yeah? he has three kids me, my brother Shin and my little sister Eri" (sorry I forgot to say they adopted Eri already)

"Sensei said someone new would be joining out class but he didn't tell us it would be his kid"

"That's because he didn't want people to teat me weird" 

"I see well do you want to walk to class with me?"


They both walked to class and when they arrive Izuku sees his father asleep in his sleeping bag. He sighs and walks over to the sleeping bag. "SHOTA AIZAWA!"

Shota shots up "What the fu- IZUKU?!"

"Dad you have a class!"

Gets out of the sleeping bag "I know. Listen up. Here is your new classmate Izuku would you like to interduces yourself?"

"Of course. Hello everyone my name is Izuku Midoriya My quirk is healing"

"Hey Zuzu" Shinso says from the back

"Hey sleepy head"

Everyone in the class looks super confused. Which make a read hair boy raise his hand>

"yes red hair?"

"um Hi my name is Kirishima. I have a question how do you know shinso?"

"Well hello Kirishima and Shin is My brother"

Everyone is surprised. As Shinso laughs "They all are surprised!"

Shota taps Izuku "Go sit next to your brother so him and denki can't make out until break"

Denki turns bight red and Izuku does as he was told. 

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