One - Shot

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Sunday Time - 9:00

Y/n's POV~

I was the only one awake in this house, today is Sunday and I am in the kitchen making pancakes for breakfast, My Husband Kim Taehyung is asleep and my two kids are sleeping in their room.

As I was done making the pancakes for everyone. I made my way upstairs and got in my room to wake up my husband.

Y/n - Wakey Wakey~ get up the breakfast is ready.

KTH - Uhhhh... Please 5 more mins!

Y/n - No, or no breakfast.

KTH - What's the breakfast

Y/n - Pancakes~

KTH - ok I am up!

Y/n - Good, go downstairs and serve the plates also brush your teeth, I will wake up the kids.

After that I went to the kids room to wake up my babies.

Y/n - Tae Hoon, Ara! Wake up! Mumma is here. Yumm yumm pancakes are ready for breakfast!

Tae hoon - Ara! Get up mom made pancakes!

Ara - Let's go!

They both ran away.

Y/n - Slow! Careful not to fall!

Them - Yes mom!

Y/n - Brush your teeth first! Both of you!

Well my son Tae hoon is older than Ara, but they both love each other a lot. Tae is  6 years old in grade one. And Ara is 4 years old in nursery. All of them brushed their teeth and came to the dining table to eat.

Y/n - let's start eating!

Kids - yayyy!

KTH - Slow you two.

Y/n - yeah... They are just like you. 🙄

And you all started eating but in the middle of it Ara asked

Ara - Mom, how did you meet dada?!

Tae - Ara, you're too small to ask that! Where did you get that question from?

Ara - my friend said her mom and dad met in a garden. How did you both meet each other?

Tae - oh! Yes tell us!

Y/n - *Blank*

KTH - Focus on eating you two!

Kids - Please dad! Tell us!

Y/n - ok fine finish up eating then I will tell you both.

KTH - *whisper* what? Really?!

Y/n - Not ofcourse! I will make up a story.

KTH - Ok.

After finishing up breakfast, you all sat on the couch, Taehyung with his phone ready to record your story.

Y/n - Ok you know that mom was a student too once right?

Them - Yes mom.

Y/n - So when I was in college, I always sat on a bench from a park near our college. So one day after college I bought a drink as I was tired and went to the park to sit on the bench.

Them - Can we go to that place later?

Y/n - sure. Back to the story?

Them - ok

Y/n - So, as I sat, I saw your dad sitting on the bench too. But I didn't care and got my phone our and used it will sipping my drink, but after finishing it I fell asleep on your dad's shoulder, that is how we met, fell in love and got married.

Them - oh!

Ara - Wow! So romantic!

Tae - Ara ewww, stop it don't say that!

Them - mom! The place.

Y/n - Let's ask dad first? DAD! take us to the place we met!


We all got on the car and got to the park Y/n talked about. Ara and Tae Hoon sat on the bench. But Tae on the other hand told y/n

KTH - wow what a story, baby.

Y/n - Shut up

KTH - But the real story...

Real story time~

Y/n's POV~

Back in 2019. I was on my way to Seoul South Korea. I was going to my dream place, I am an ARMY of BTS and I was having a plan. I went to their concert and had fun. I got on the fan Meeting to meet them all. But then as we all went home, at night I got out of my apartment and went to KIM TAEHYUNG'S house. I kidnapped him. And got him in my apartment.

KTH - What the hell! Who are you!

Me - your soon to be wife.

KTH - What!

Me - we are getting married.

KTH - I never agreed to it tho!

Me - you will have to baby!

😂😂😂😂😂😂 The end 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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