Afton Family Reunion

Start from the beginning

Molten nodded and quickly moved to the door. Jeremy sighed and followed, Molten always acted this way when they were eager about something. "The house isn't far, around a ten minute walk, if no ones bought the house, then I can give you at tour, but afterwards, we're coming back here," Jeremy explained. He opened the door and the two exited the house, closing the door behind them.

10 Minutes Later...

The two were stopped infront of an old two story house. It was hard to tell if the house aas white, or light grey mixed with darker shades. "This house appears old," Molten commented. Jeremy chuckled, "that's because no one's lived in this house for a long time," he explained. Molten scanned the area, including the house, "and you would be correct in your assumption."

Jeremy walked up to the door and gestured for Molten to follow. As Molten stopped beside Jeremy, the 'human,' as Molten would describe him, got the door open. The hinges connecting the door to the old house creaked and groaned as Jeremy struggled to push the door open. Then the two went in.

They were now in a living room. It was full of dust and cobwebs. Jeremy bet that there was so much dust in the house that it would throw someone into a ten minute coughing fit. Although, seeing the house was bringing back multiple memories as Jeremy set a duffle bag he brought on the couch. He remembered taking care of his siblings, helping them with their homework, playing games, and much more.

But...he was also reminded of all those times he tormented his brother, jumpscaring him with a Foxy Mask.

Yet he always felt guilty afterwards...

A frown formed on his face. But unbeknownst to him, he was being watched...

Jeremy decided to move onto the kitchen, Molten was most likely upstairs looking around.

More memories swept back to Jeremy as he glanced around the dusty, dark kitchen. He smirked a bit at the thought of these memories. He remembered almost burning the house down one time, or somehow covered in food, forcing him to start over. Or how he had to chase his siblings out of the kitchen only for one of them to steal the food.

These memories reminded Jeremy that the past wasn't all that bad. These memories counteracted all of the awful experiences that went on in this house.

He sighed, wishing he could just start over, wishing he could just...start anew. Yes, he knew this was a selfish way of thinking, but he truly missed his family and just wanted to see them, even if it were for the last time.

He quickly moved on, exiting the kitchen and into a short corridor that led to a laundry room. He remembered playing hide and seek with his siblings. And that one of the machines was his Elizabeth's; his younger siblings, favourite hiding place.

To the right of the laundry room was stairs leading up to the second floor. Taking a deep breath, Jeremy ventured up to where his siblings and his old room was. He stopped at the top of the stairs. Infront him was a hallway lined with six doors, three on each side. On the left was his and his siblings room. On the right was the guest room, the bathroom, and their parents room. He decided to start with his room, the first door on the left.

He opened the door, taking note to the loud and long creak from the hinges.

He entered the room, and more memories flooded back. Memories of him and his friends having sleepovers. Then to memories about him and his siblings. He would remember opening the closet, only for Evan to stumble out and fall to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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