Erasermic Day 2; Daily Routine

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Hizashi quietly hummed to himself as he made breakfast, Eri sitting at the table drawing something. They were always the first two up. Hizashi smiled when he heard a door click shut and feet shuffling, "Good morning," Hizashi said at the same time as Shota.
Shota sat down at the table and asked Eri about her previous day. Shota listened to her chatter, still being quiet for one more person who always slept in. Hizashi giggled when he felt Shota's scruff on his neck when he kissed Hizashi, "Bribing for coffee?"
"Always." Shota whispered and kissed Hizashi again.
Hizashi grabbed Shota's cup from the cupboard before handing it to him, "Your caffeine addiction shall be fulfilled, my love!"
      Shota went to the coffee pot and poured a cup. Hizashi turned the stove off just in time for the rice cooker to signal, "Shota," Hizashi sang and heard the other groan, "it's your favorite part of breakfast!"
      Shota sighed and and got the small container of natto for Eri. She was the only one who enjoyed in the household, so the three others in the house had a little tournament on who had to prepare for her and Shota had lost. Shota went outside and the following gagging and curses had both Eri and Hizashi laughing.
      Hitoshi walked in, "Is dad making Natto?"
      Eri nodded. Hizashi plated everyone's foods before putting it on the table, "Breakfast is served, by your favorite DJ Pro Hero!"
      Shota came back in and gave the natto to Eri, "I'll try to eat without dying from disgust."
      Hizashi laughed and sat down. He watched the way Hitoshi texted someone and smile, "So Toshi, how was that date with Kaminari?"
       Hitoshi dropped his phone in his lap and looked mortified, "It wasn't a date!" Hitoshi blushed as his voice cracked on the last word.
        "Uh huh, so I definitely didn't see you making heart eyes him for the past week in English?"
       Shota dropped his chopsticks, "Is that why you've been getting on your phone during training for the past two weeks, this boy is not important to your hero training Hitoshi."
       Hizashi looked at Shota, "So you're gonna tell him that, really Shota out of all people?" Hizashi barked a laugh, "You started doing the most when I was in the gym with you, don't think I didn't see you looking at me and start randomly doing push-ups with one arm."
         Shota blushed, "I didn't do that..."
         Hitoshi and Eri laughed, "Believe what you want, hun, I saw it with my own two eyes and Nemuri told me too."

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