"That's only one opinion," she said, turning her body to look around the classroom for another target. Shoji had stood up from his seat to place something on the teacher's desk, being in the desperate brunette's line of sight.

"Who do you think would win between me and (L/n)?" she asked the tall boy, making him stop in his tracks. Turning his body, he lifted a hand only to have it be replaced by a mouth. He eyed the two of us for a moment before speaking from the mouth on his hand.

"I saw the way you fought with Tokoyami, (L/n). I think you're really strong," he complimented. Even though he hadn't said that Uraraka would lose directly, we both knew that was the case. She pouted subtly as she stared at me intensely, not looking too pleased with the outcome of her questioning.

"I would've preferred if our fight continued but you ran away," Tokoyami jumped in, leaning back in his seat with his feet on the desk. He was managing to get away with it too, Iida not paying attention to what the bird boy was doing. Hearing him suggest that we ran away, most likely because he thought we were scared, wound me up a little.

"We didn't run away, it was a tactical retreat," I argued, not wanting to give into the narrative he was creating. Now that more people had joined the conversation, others started to join in on it as well. The group I'd formed grew bigger with each additional person, others outside the group standing by and listening in.

"Hey, didn't your team get disqualified yesterday, (L/n)? Todoroki's too, what happened?" Tokoyami asked, bringing up something I didn't really want to talk about. Because of the upcoming sports festival, it seemed like everyone had forgotten about what had happened the previous day. But now it had been brought up, everyone looking interested in what I had to say about it. I gave it some thought as to what I should reveal, remaining silent as I did so. But that hesitation said a lot, revealing that I didn't want to share what had really happened. I also worried about someone else chiming in and spouting nonsense, unlucky for me, someone started talking before I could get another word in.

"Well, from what I saw. (L/n) and Todoroki were fighting, and it looked like they really wanted to kill each other," Mineta recalled. I remembered that he was a part of Todoroki's team, most likely witnessing everything that happened from the rooftops as we fought with Jirou. The information he had given wasn't enough to make me uncomfortable, it was just a bit shocking seeing it being revealed to my class.

"Do you hate Todoroki, (L/n)?" the purple-haired boy followed up, his gaze landing on me. Now, this was what I wanted to avoid altogether, hating that the spotlight was now on Todoroki and myself. That was when the classroom door opened, the boy with two-toned hair entering. All eyes were on him as he walked by, some occasionally glancing at me to see if they could make a conclusion themselves. As he walked to his desk, I met his gaze briefly.

"I'm indifferent, I don't feel anything about him," I answered, not wanting anyone to make up something if I was to give them a little information. I was sure if I did reveal anything that the others would speculate a lot. But from the look on my face, I knew that there were some who were more observant than others who had picked up on my distaste in Todoroki's appearance. Ashido tapped my shoulder before leaning in to whisper in my ear.

"What's the tea?" she asked quietly, being well aware that I didn't really want to talk about it. But knowing Ashido, she wouldn't back down until I gave her something.

"It's nothing, just something that happened in the past. It doesn't matter," I said, not wanting to give too much away. But despite my attempts, Ashido was quick to share her speculation.

"Ooo, exes?" she asked, sounding excited at the possibility. Turning to look at her, I offered a confused glare, unsure how she came to a conclusion like that.

"It wasn't like that," I told her firmly, not wanting her to stray from what I had said. She giggled, smiling widely after seeing that it was getting to me.

"Aw, but you two would make such a cute couple. The two strong and stoic ones, no one would dare stand in your way," she projected, the loudness of her voice revealing who she was referring to without saying any names.

"I don't think it would work between them," Jirou spoke up, shying away when the other girls turned to look at her.

"I mean, they hate each other right, I saw them fight first-hand. Nothing like that is going on, I don't think I've ever seen (L/n) so mad at someone before," she finished, keeping her gaze lowered. Seeing that she was on my side, I offered her a smile.

"Thank you," I said quietly, hoping the conversation topic would change already. I was glad that Iida had come over to join, waving his hand in a robotic fashion to get my attention.

"Did you continue your training for the sports festival after we trained together?" he asked, adjusting his glasses. I shook my head, wanting to be honest with him.

"No, didn't really have the time," I lied, wanting some kind of excuse as to why I'd put no more time into it.

"You really should've continued training, you did very well when we trained together. If you ever need a companion, I'd be happy to train with you," he offered, looking at me nervously. Seeing that the uptight class president had become quite fond of me was very reassuring, a small smile adorning my lips as I met his gaze directly.

"Thanks, Iida. I've been a little preoccupied lately, so I haven't managed to get any training in. I'll probably do really badly during the sports festival," I joked, hoping to lighten the mood.

"No, I think you'll do well. It's not just about physical ability, but also having a good mindset. I have faith that you'll get far if you have the determination," he enthused.

"Thanks again, you really have a lot of faith in me," I smiled, turning to look at the door as Shota entered. Our gazes briefly met as he approached his desk, looking tired and over it as usual. We all hurried to our desks, sitting down and waiting for his instructions. Everyone seemed to be excited about the sports festival.

After speaking with Iida, I felt a little better about this. I knew that I was strong, but it was the idea of showing that strength off to the world that worried me. It was the fact that my mother's quirk was known by my father that he went after her for the sole fact that it was strong. I was sure that the Hero Association would have something to say to me, I just worried about what they'd ask of me.

It's been so long since I've updated this story, sorry about that. It's mainly dialogue for this chapter, but a lot more will be happening soon. The next chapter is gonna be super eventful :)

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