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"what the hell are you doing?" rick asked, causing everyone to turn around. blair ignored her sister, she couldn't talk to her right now. blair saved amelia's ass, just for her to volunteer to go on a suicide mission. cleo sat down on a rock with amelia, the two panting from walking miles. 

"we're tired, colonel. we need a rest." cleo replied taking off her mask. blair watched as amelia looked sick, her face was pale, her eyes were bloodshot. 

"goddamn hobbyists." peacemaker stated as blair chuckled at his helmet. he still hasn't change that shit. 

"we cannot stop." sol told blair and rick, "we need to hurry if you're going to help my people." blair rolled her eyes, she started to walk ahead, jace following right behind her. the flag didnt say anything, just looking at blair's weapons.


"did you agree to let lia come on the mission?" blair asked, turning to look at her ex boyfriend. jace put his hands up in defense. the brunette killer scoffed, kicking a branch out of the way. that apparently caused a trap to go off. blair looked down, a net swooped up blair and jace. the two yelling out in protest. "what the fuck!"

jace tried to move his legs, they were tangled in the net. blair looked down at the ground, she tried reaching for her knife. "a little help here!" jace yelled out in pain as blair yelped, feeling something sticking in her leg. a spike. fucking spikes were coming out of the net. how was that even possible?

"holy shit! holy shit!" blair screamed, trying to reach for her swords. her arm was caught in the net, the brunette felt her shoulder bleeding, the pain shooting through her body. "there's fucking spikes!"

"what the fuck happened to you two?" peacemaker asked, seeing the two tangled up in the air. blair pointed at the twig she kicked, feeling the spike dig deeper in her leg. "looks fun."

"get us down!" blair yelled as the team looked at them. "i'll fucking kill you all!"

jace went wide eyed, he looked over at the brunette. "lets not do that." he yelled out as blair shut her eyes. the knives on the ground lifted up slowly, going in blair's hands. she cut the net, making her fall out face first. her foot was caught on the net, causing her to be tied up upside down. she dangled in front of everyone as jace jumped down, free of any injuries. "i say we leave her."

"no!" blair yelled, spinning around. "wait," she spun back around, "okay thats better." the brunette reached up with her knife, slicing the net off her foot. blair hit the ground with a thud, the killer let out a yell of pain. "none of you were any help." she hopped up, putting her gun out causing everyone to step back.

"b, lets put the gun away." rick mumbled, putting his hands out as blair glared at him. she slapped his hand away, putting the gun in front of sol's face.

"how do we know if we can trust her anyway?" blair asked, putting her finger on the trigger. sol rolled her eyes, blair didnt budge. "hello? are we seriously going to believe the story of how 'she wants to take down the government shit?"

rick grabbed his wife's arms, pulling her away from sol as they began walking away. he took the gun from her also, "off limits." blair looked over at rick, she put up her middle finger as rick grabbed her free hand. "seriously? i just gained her trust again."

"well i dont trust her." blair replied stubbornly. 

they continued to walk, the sun setting as blair realized she was tired once again. she heard voices up ahead, she grabbed her swords ready to fight. she snuck up behind a guard, she kicked him in the back causing him to kneel as she sliced his throat. blair wiped the blood off of her face as the rest of the guards fell to the ground due to peacemaker and bloodsport. 

blair sat down on a rock as they began to unload and load things. she watched as everyone contributed, except blair and amelia, the two still in a disagreement. blair sighed, she stood up walking over to them, "i wear disguise." nanaue stated.

"oh you're gonna wear a disguise?" cleo asked, sunglasses on her face as she looked through a box. blair walked over to rick, tapping his shoulder lightly making him turn around. blair placed a small kiss on his lips causing rick to raise his eyebrows.

"everything okay?" he asked looking at her shoulder, then her leg. blair shrugged the injuries off for the fifth time that night. blair hummed in response, kissing him once again, she snuck the gun away from him as they pulled away. sol walked over to them causing blair to salute rick playfully, walking back over to the team. 

"you look like yourself." blair stated, patting the shark on the 'shoulder' as she walked by. 

"thats the worst fake mustache i've ever seen." peacemaker replied, handing blair a box. she put it in the truck, backing away so she wasn't in the way.

"and if you had fooled us, we'd have to kill you. shark shaped, bloke with a mustache." dubois agreed, "creeping up on us like that."

"fuck!" the shark boomed, stomping away as blair snickered. the brunette looked at amelia, who was trying on disguises while jace shook his head, a smile on his face. blair grabbed a box, putting it in  truck looking at sebastian the rat.

she stepped away, placing the box down and walking away. "lets get going suicides!" blair yelled out, swinging her swords around. she opened the mini van door, sitting down on one of the seats. she pulled out the gadget once again, her eyes focusing on the lettering by the handle. 'save only one' it stated, blair rolled her eyes putting it in her pocket again.

yeah right.

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now