chapter 1

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*it was a usual morning. larri woke up, checked social media, got dressed and went down stairs. mario was already there making breakfast.*

larri: good morning mario!!
mario: gm larrii !
mario: wyd today?
larri: i'm probably gonna hang out with brady
mario: oh kk, well i'm gonna see ravon later. i wanna see his apartment and stuff.
larri: okayy, have fun. i'm gonna go to starbucks rn cause i'm too lazy to make breakfast so wanna come with?
mario: yeah i'll come, but wait ill finish my breakfast rq.
larri: okayy

*later that night*

*larri was home alone in the living room editing and waiting till brady comes. 10mins later larri heard the sound of their door and asked who was this. it was mario*

mario: i'm homeee
larri: hii mario
mario: is brady still not here?
larri: no he said he'll be here in 15 tho
mario: ohh okay i'll hang out with y'all then if thats okay?
larri: yeah of courseee

*after around 15minutes they heard knocking on the door. larri went to open it. it was brady*

larri: hi babyy
brady: hi boyfriendd *kisses him* hii mario
mario: hey brady
larri: so what yall wanna do?
brady: idk maybe let's go to the living room and watch a movie?
mario & larri: yeaa that's a good idea

*they went to the living room and chose a movie to watch. larri put his head on bradys shoulder and hand on his tight.*

larri: do y'all want pop corn maybe?
mario & brady: yess
brady: can you also get me a red bull please?
larri: no
brady: fuck youu
larri: haha okay jk Love of course
brady: thank you

*halfway through the movie larri fell asleep on brady's lap*

brady: babe did u fall asleep
mario: he probably did
brady: yeah. well should we finish the movie tho?
mario: if u want to
brady: yeah okay

*the movie finishes. brady carried larri to his room and said good night to mario. when brady put larri down he woke up*

larri: what time is it
brady: its 1 am
larri: oh did i fall alseep during the movie
brady: yeahh, but me and mario finished it tho.
larri: oh okay well i'm not tired anymore so we should do something.
brady: like what. it's literally 1 am
larri: idfk maybe let's go for a walk?
brady: okay i'm down

*they put on their shoes and went on a walk*

brady: give me your hand
larri: why should i?
brady: just shut up and give your hand before i kiss you
larri: ok kiss me then
brady: *kisses larri*
larri: mind giving me another one?
brady: only if you give me your hand
larri: finee
brady: *gave him a long kiss*
larri: i love you
brady: me more baby.
larri: no never
brady: yes all the time
larri: no
brady: shut up
larri: ykw i will
brady: you're not actually gonna shut up are you?
larri: *no response*
brady: oh i hate u
larri: yeah sure, you know damn well you love me
brady: maybe
larri: well maybe we should walk back home now i'm getting kinda tired again
brady: yeah i agree
larri: what are you doing tomorrow though?
brady: we're gonna go to a party with andre, adelaine and malia.
larri: oh okay well don't get too drunk
brady: i won't i dont drink much
larri: yeaahhh depends
brady: what shut up
larri: tell me one more time to shut up and i actually will
brady: hahaha okayokay
larri: ur smile is cute
brady: like you
larri: simp
brady: didn't you start?
larri: start what?
brady: complimenting
larri: umm no
brady: shoree

*they arrived home and went to larris bedroom*

larri: i'm gonna go shower, brb
brady: sure i'll wait here but do quick
larri: we'll see
brady: i'm not joking
larri: neither am i
brady: ugh you're so annoying
larri: ikr

*he gets back from shower and brady has already fallen asleep*

larris mind: this mf couldn't wait for me. he looks cute tho. i'm so proud he's mine wow.

*larri gives brady a kiss and fell asleep*
*next morning. brady woke up before larri and went downstairs where was mario again cause he always wakes up really early*

mario: good morning brady
brady: morningg
mario: where's larri?
brady: he's still asleep
mario: oh wow why am i not suprised
brady: honestly same

*when brady and mario were eating breakfast came larri downstairs. larri was in a really bad mood for no reason*

larri: good morning
brady & mario: good morning
larri: did y'all make me anything?
them: no
larri: wow thank you, i'm gonna go to starbucks then
brady: don't be maadd, i cancome with you if you want to?
mario: yeah were sorry larri
larri: no idc ima go by myself

*larri leaves*

mario: what is wrong with him? did anything happen yesterday?
brady: well no i don't think so. we went on a walk cause he woke up and wasnt tired anymore, then we came back, he went to the shower and then i fell asleep before he came back from shower.
mario: maybe something happened after u fell asleep then?
brady: mhm or today morning
mario: orrrr he's just in a bad mood
brady: yeah true. well i'm gonna try talking to him when he comes back
mario: yeah do that. he'll probably listen more to you than me
brady: uhh idek anymore at this point
mario: wait has anything been bad lately or what?
brady: no no were good just like i hope he's okay and it's just a mood swing
mario: yeah me too
brady: well i'm gonna be in the living room waiting for him
mario: okay ima go to my room

*larri gets back with starbucks and goes to his room while ignoring brady. brady chases him. larri closes he's door in front of brady's face.*

brady: larri wtf
larri: what
brady: are you okay
larri: yes i'm good please leave
brady: are you mad that we didn't make you breakfast?
larri: no
brady: what's wrong then
larri: nothing
brady: larri please talk to me
larri: about what
brady: about what's going on
larri: nothing is going on
brady: then why are you acting like this?
larri: *silence*
brady: if everything's really that olay then sit there alone. i'm going home. bye. love you
larri: bye
brady: and what else
larri: ugh fine love you
brady: thank you. text me if you're feeling better
larri: mhm


hey lol it's my first story n first chapter. hope u like it.

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