Bepop crew invited to a free dinner???

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"There is an invitation!!!" Ed sang while sitting in front of his laptop.

Jet, Spike, and Faye were all laying around the main room smoking or watching TV.

"Invitation?" Jet asked, looking up from his newspaper.

"Yes! Fancy fancy invitation time for a big dinner at a fancy restaurant!! Ed is very excited and is saying yes!!" She pressed the enter button dramatically and stood up suddenly doing a cartwheel.

"Wait, wait what's this about a big dinner?" Spike asked.

"Fancy restaurant?" Faye followed up.

"Yes!! By someone named Baby! They will meet us at the dock, Ed is excited!! Baby, b-a-b-y- we are meeting a big babyyyy..."

The others gathered around the laptop and looked at the evite. It was a flashy invite surrounded by a flowery border that said,

"Hello Jet and crew. You may not remember me, but you saved my life 15 years ago in the Dai Fu accident at New Hong on Feb. 21 2055. I have been waiting for you to stop by so that I can finally repay you. I will meet you at the landing dock in the city, please come hungry because I will be treating you all to dinner at the best restaurant in the city, the rooftop Mere Lorainne. Please dress formal. See you soon." – Baby

Faye turned to Jet and said, "wow Jet, didn't know you had fans all around the galaxy. Where have you been hiding her? What's the big hero story?"

Spike put his hands behind his head and said, "wow fancy huh...I guess I can find something..."

"Hold up, uhhh... I actually don't remember this...let's see...2055..." Jet stammered.

"WOW Jet, this poor girl has held you up as her hero for 15 years and you don't even remember her?? That's cold Jet...some kind of cop you were." Faye scolded Jet.

Baby and Bepop: Revisiting the past from Dai Fu to New HongWhere stories live. Discover now