Chapter 1: The Cliff

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I gathered up the sparse things I would need on this short trip and quickly shoved them into a snap sack. I would not need much because there would not be a return trip of any kind. I am going to kill myself, I've had enough of life. How was I going to do it? There was a nearby cliff that was a neck breaking height and I was planning to throw myself off it. It would be like flying, almost completely painless. It was the best way to go that I could think of, I know, cliche much.

Anyway, back to the present moment. I stood up and walked to my bedroom window, I had to be quick before my father noticed. I pried the window open and slipped out, hitting the ground harshly. I was only on the first floor so I didn't hurt very much, but it jarred my ankles enough that it caused me to wince. I didn't stop though, I simply picked myself up and started sprinting away from the house. I needed to go to the cliff and quickly.

Soon enough, I was there. I stood at the decorative welcome sign, the cliff had breathe taking views and was a popular tourist attraction. I walked to the less populated area and came to the very edge of the cliff. Looking over the edge I took a deep breathe, mulling over what I was about to do. I thought I heard multiple footsteps, but I dismissed it as the wind. My toes were over the very edge, almost an inch over and I could feel my center of balance shifting forward.

"Hey!" Someone with an irish accent shouted, the voice sounded familiar.

"Hey what are you doing?" Another voice shouted, this one had a British accent. I take a small step back, so I won't fall over.

"Who me?" I ask as I turn around to face the strangers and what I see is shocking. Standing a few feet away is One Direction.

"Yeah." Liam says and he has a concerned look on his face.

"Oh, you know, just looking at the views." I laugh nervously and wave my arm at the view. I mean, I can't necessarily tell five celebrity's that I was just about to jump off a cliff and kill myself.... That would be beyond awkward.

"Oh really?" Louis says with a sassy yet teasing tone and a 'do you seriously expect me to believe that' look on his face. Guess the Sass Master is here, trust me they don't call him that for nothing.

"Yeah." I say a little uncertainly and start to fidget. I was never good at lying, I always got too nervous about it. All of a sudden, it's like a light bulb went off in Louis's head. His eyes got all wide and shock spread over his face.

"You were going to kill yourself, weren't you?" He whispers and stares at me. One by one the boys seem to piece it all together and they join Louis in staring at me. They stare at me with shock, confusion, and fear. I don't see why they're afraid, they're not the ones who get beaten every day.

"Yeah." I mumble, dropping my gaze to the ground.

"Why?" Harry asks, shaking his head as if he can hardly believe this.

"Because of many things." I shrug nonchalantly and out of the corner of my eye I see Liam start to step forward. That's when I realize that Niall has moved to my left and Zayn to my right. They have me surrounded.

"Hey, how about we talk about this somewhere else?" Liam asks cautiously and approaches me like a wild animal.

"Why?" I narrow my eyes and look at him suspiciously. After the life I've had, I'm not very trusting of people. Even if they are a famous boy band, people aren't always what they look like. Liam takes another step forward and I try to take a step back, but I then remember that my feet are on the very edge of the cliff.

That's when it hits me, they think I'm going to jump anyway. And I would, but that wouldn't be fair to them. They don't need to get wrapped up in my death, it would only make them feel guilty and the last thing I want them to feel is guilty.

"Fine." I sigh and warily take a step forward. All five of them smile at me and give me an encouraging look. "Lead the way." I tell them and together we walk away from the edge. Liam leads us to the car and let me tell you, that is one awesome car. Don't ask me what type it is, I've never been a car person. Anyway we all hop in, with Liam as the driver and we pull away from the parking lot and onto the road.

"Is it okay if we take you back to our flat?" Liam asks me, looking through the mirror.

"Sure." I say calmly, but inside I'm kind of worried. Why would they want me to go there?

"Yay!" Niall shouts and I flinch at the sudden loudness, but thankfully no one notices.

"What's so great about that?" I ask him with a puzzled look.

"Because theres food there." Niall exclaims with a 'are you stupid' tone of voice. I laugh and the others chuckle, this must be a normal thing for them. He smiles at me and for a second, he looks like a little boy.


"We're here." Liam announces and the car stops in front of an amazing looking house. We all hurry out of the car and make our way to the front door. I walk in first and gasp at how large this place is.

"You like it?" Harry asks with a smirk.

"Love it." I whisper and gaze in awe. I've never lived in a house that was larger than a shack, so this is pretty big for me. The boys laugh at my reaction, but quickly quiet down. Their faces get serious and I notice that they have stiffened up. "What's up?" I ask because it looks like something is wrong.

"Lets all sit down." Liam suggests and motions at the comfy couches in what I assume is the living room.

"Ok." I reply and step over to a couch, sinking into the cushions. They all take a seat on the couch opposite of mine and I start to get nervous.

Louis takes a deep breathe before saying "We'd like to know why you were trying to kill yourself."

Oh god, houston we have a problem.

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