𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔠𝔲𝔢 𝔪𝔦𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫

Începe de la început

"Come on Dick! We've been trough the plan like a thousand times already." Jason walked towards the man. "Just relax, everything will go smoothly." He put his hands on Dick's shoulders.

"Funny coming from you, since you're usually the one who messes things up." He said with a sarcastic smile.

"Guys please, every second you spend talking that poor girl is getting tortured!" Rachel scolded at them.

"I agree with Rach." Gar said shyly as Rachel smiled at him.

"You always do. You are like, pussy whipped." Jason rolled his eyes.

"Jason!" Rachel said annoyed while Gar just blushed furiously.

Dick sighed heavily.

"Let's just go!"

—————————— • ——————————

Arabella's body lay limp on the floor, her eyelids heavy as a pair of rocks. She struggled to stay awake after her daily dose of testing her powers.

She was about to give up and give in to pain and exhaustion when the intruder alarms echoed throughout the laboratory.

Her attention went straight to the guards who rushed past her cell, all armed.

Instead of worrying, Arabella saw an opportunity in the intrusion to escape. If the guards were busy with the intruders, she had a chance to slip away unnoticed.

The lock on the cell was no problem at all, it was easy to open with her powers, she had managed to do so on several occasions, but she knew it was useless to try to escape when there were so many guards guarding the cell.

With a simple flick of her fingers, that red energy shot out of her hands, heading towards the lock and effortlessly disintegrating it.

Not without first checking to see if anyone was nearby, she left her cell, walking stealthily through the dark corridors. Guidance was not as easy as she thought it would be, as most of the time she passed through them in the arms of one of the orderlies while she was barely conscious.

Gunshots rang out in the distance, as did exclamations of pain. This only frightened the girl, who slowly began to regret her decision.

She heard the voices of the soldiers as well as their footsteps coming closer and closer. She turned around to return to her cell when she heard the gunshots again, and the men shouting.

She ran as fast as the state of her frail body would allow. She reached her cell and let out a sigh of relief, but it was short lived when she felt the presence of someone behind her. More than his presence she heard his thoughts, his troubled mind was very noisy and this made her dazed.

She raised her hand with the intention of attacking the intruder, wanting to silence his thoughts, but he was quick to speak.

"Wait Arabella!" The man yelled.

She froze. How did he know her name.

She wasn't proud to admit that she was scared of him, she had never really been in the presence of another person other than Gustav and the guards, so it intrigued her and scared her.

"I'm not here to hurt you." He assured her. "I'm just trying to help you."

"Why should I trust you." She questioned him without lowering her hand.

Dick noticed her russian accent.

"Because I know what you have been trough, I want to help you get out of here." He explained. "My name is Dick Grayson."

His name made Arabella chuckle softly.

"Yeah yeah funny. Look, I'm not going to force you to come with us, but if you want to escape we should really leave now." He said as he heard footsteps approaching from the upper floor. "This is your one chance to be free."

Arabella hesitated for a moment before lowering her hand, taking a step in the direction of the masked man who offered her his hand.

No sooner had she touched him than the voices returned, sweeping over her. They were no longer voices but more like screams, memories of the man flashed through her mind, every thought and feeling. It was too much for the girl to handle, so she screamed in pain, falling to the floor as a wave of red energy shot out of her body sending Dick straight to the floor.

"Make it stop!" She pleaded.

Dick groaned as he got up, sour from the fall.

Another pair of footsteps approached quickly.

"Dude what's taking so long?" The voice of Jason had a hint of annoyance in it. "Oh shit." He said as he helped Dick.

"She totally knocked you down." He said amused. But his expression quickly turned serious when he noticed that the girl did not look alright at all. "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know. I just know she's in pain." He informed the boy as he kneeled down next to Arabella. "Rachel." He spoke into the communicator.

"I'm here." She answered.

"We need you on the laboratory side of the building, take Gar with you."

"We are on our way."

It didn't take long for the pair to get there, Rachel gasping immediately as she saw the girl on the floor. She was shaking and sweating as she whimpered in pain.

"We need you to put her to sleep." Dick told her.

"But I- I could hurt her." Rachel started playing with her fingers anxiously.

"Come on Rach I have faith in you! And we don't have much time." Dick said to Rachel giving her a reassuring smile.

Rachel knelt down beside her and put her hands on the sides of her face. She closed her eyes, concentrating on calming the girl's mind.

She did so successfully, for within seconds Arabella closed her eyes completely and stopped whimpering. Rachel smiled happily at her accomplishment and Jason hurried to pick the girl up in his arms.

"We'll make sure we clear the way, you get her to the jet safely." Dick requested and the boy in the Robin suit nodded.

"The titans strike again bitches!" Jason exclaimed in a whisper.

𝔉𝔞𝔳𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔠𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔢 -- dick grayson Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum