I turned to Destiny to see if she was going to answer but I saw her look at me while biting her bottom lip, I guess she was nervous so I'll talk for her.

"So basically, Destiny woke up with bad stomach cramps and there was so much blood you prolly thought some opp got his head blown off right there on our bed deadass" I said describing the best I could.

The doctor chuckled as if I was telling a joke, I straight faced her and she composed herself.


"Okay so after hearing your description of the problem my thoughts are she is probably miscarrying, I will preform some test to analyze the situation better so Destiny I need you to remove your shorts and underwear also raise your shirt and lay back onto the bed for me please" she spoke.

Destiny did as told and once she removed her shorts I quickly covered her up because ain't nobody seeing my property but me.

Destiny looked up at me and shook her head with smile, I could see she was tryna be strong in this situation and I love that for her.

The doctor placed a gel substance they use for ultrasounds unto Destiny's stomach and used the wand to look around inside.

When the inside of her womb popped up on to the screen the doctor started looking at the screen weird and I was getting nervous as fuck.

"What's up doc?" I asked her and she stilled didn't respond.

"Why you ain't answering him like say he ain't asking bout our kid" Destiny started to get riled up.

"Oh, I'm sorry I was just tryna study this more" she answered.

"Can you please place your legs unto these white items on both sides of your bed and scoot down a little" The doctor asked Destiny.

She did as told then the doctor stuck some weird machine into Destiny and started moving it around for like a minute while looking at the screen.

"Ok so my suspicion was correct and you are indeed miscarrying, I can give you some pills to help with the pain but you will have to go to a clinic to remove the baby corpse because we do not do that here" she said straight forward.

Destiny broke down and I just stared at the doctor trying to get my thoughts together.

"I'll get you the pills and then you can leave, I'm so sorry for your lost" she gave a small smile and left.

I got closer to destiny and hugged her tightly, I didn't want her to go through this pain but she is and I can't stop or help it.

The doctor came back in 20 minutes later and gave us the pills then we left out.

~In the car on the freeway.

Destiny was talking none stop but I couldn't comprehend anything she was saying.

I was numb and stuck in a world where there's nothing I could do.

The only things I could hear were Destiny's rambles but it sounded far away and myself breathing, everything else was silent.

After awhile I felt myself being shook back to reality and I started hearing clearly it was Destiny yelling, "BEN WATCH OUT!"

I snapped myself out of my trance and by the time I looked up we had slammed right into the back of an eighteen wheeler and another car slammed right into our back the car was crushed, I couldn't move my legs and I was fading I turned my head slightly to look at destiny and saw there was a large piece of glass sticking into her chest, she was unconscious probably gone. I could only move my right hand since I was driving with the left and it was damaged badly, I felt my lungs collapsing and my heart rate slowing down to the point it was gonna stop any second, with the last bit of energy I had I placed my right hand unto her stomach and prayed "protect us oh Lord" and after that I was gone.

This was the day I die, the day my little family died, we died together and at least we knew we loved each other. Maybe I didn't meet my unborn but I'll see them in Heaven, yes I was a bad person on Earth but God forgave me for my sins and I'll be with him now.


😘Instagram: theyenvynikeee

Ps. I don't know what they do to people when they have miscarriages so just bare wimme.

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