Stan B. (S) (IANOWT) ~I'm Glad.

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Warnings: Soft smut :) but pretty vanilla. A little fluff, I guess. Maybe a praise!kink if you                               squint. Soft!Stan x Virgin!Reader.

Context: In which Stanley and the reader had been dating for a while but they've never had                    sex with each other. 


"Hey, Stan?" you called. 

 You and Stanley had been together for almost a month. Your friendship started the day you had gotten detention because you were caught using your phone during English class. On that day, five other students had gotten detention and had to stay back with you; Stanley Barber, Sydney Novak, Dina Bryant, Bradley Lewis and Jenny Tuffield. You weren't really friends with any of them as you mostly stayed to yourself but you were familiar with all that surrounded the other students. 

 For example, Bradley Lewis. Honestly, anyone who went to Westinghouse Memorial High School would know Golden Boy Bradley Lewis, captain of the football team. He was like a typical jock out of a 2000s romcom movie, with his maroon letterman jacket, his brown hair that was always nicely styled, and his chiseled jawline and washboard abs. Bradley could be nice if someone were to worship him and always remind him of how great he is. Dina Bryant, was his girlfriend. She had moved to Brownsville about two years ago, and she was definitely beautiful. She had a kind of dark skin tone with dark curly hair that hung just above her shoulders. How she could ever be with someone as horrible as Bradley Lewis always astounded you because unlike Bradley, Dina was a sweetheart. 

 Then, there was Sydney Novak. You always thought Sydney was pretty with her short red hair, and the light freckles she had on her pale complexion. Not to mention, her piercing blue eyes. But, Sydney, was like you; a loner. Except she was best friends with Dina due to them moving into town about the same time. Sydney's father died last spring and ever since then, she had been having some issues. You would always notice her having outbursts and you had always wanted to somehow comfort her and be her friend but you weren't the friendly type and neither was she. Jenny Tuffield was a troublemaker, as one would say. She was pretty too with long and straight dark hair but she always smelled of alcohol. There was a rumour that she was sent to rehab by her mother because of her drinking problem but, you didn't know if it was true. Actually, you didn't even care. 

 Stanley Barber, was the town stoner kid. That's what everyone always calls him. He was quite smart though, in his studies and he was nerdy. You always thought he had good energy despite smelling like weed 99% of the time. Unlike the others, Stanley was kind but in a sarcastic, flirty way. Calling him weird would definitely be an accurate way to describe him especially with his odd antics and choice of clothing that you actually admired. It would be a lie to say that Stanley wasn't attractive. 

 That day during detention, you had caught Stanley, Dina and Sydney smoking a joint outside the gymnasium by the lockers. The three of them were giggly, all of them sitting on the ground with their backs against the lockers. You were shocked, to say the least. Especially when you saw Dina holding the joint. They noticed you seeing them and instead of panicking about getting caught, Stanley took the joint from Dina's fingers and brought it forward, offering it to you. Your eyes had widened at the gesture, as you never really thought about getting high and especially not with them; three people you had barely ever spoken to. What shocked you more was that they called for you to approach and hang out with them, but they were high at the time. And that was the first time you had smoked.

 You weren't a huge fan of it, not like Stanley but sometimes you would join him whenever you two hung out the days following. You grew closer with all three of them as friends and one day, while you were in Stanley's basement, which was also his room, you two were smoking and playing a game of truth or dare. "Truth or dare, y/n?" Stanley asked, with a joint between his lips. "Truth." "Okay, have you ever kissed anyone?" "God, that's such a boring question. But no, I have never," you pursed your lips after taking a hit from the joint. "Holy shit, seriously?" "Don't be mean, I've just never really thought about it," you shrugged. It was true, you've never really cared much for simple things like that, but now, maybe you do a little. You had felt something for Stanley, not really a crush but something you just can't explain. You liked how he made you feel and maybe there was once when you had thought about him in the way you're not supposed to, but you would never let him know. "Do you want to?" He raised his eyebrows cautiously at you. "I don't know, maybe." 

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