The Love of my Life

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The Love of My Life

The day commenced with a chill in the air, marking six months since Kaito and Sayori had embarked on their romantic journey together. As their final year of school commenced, thoughts of college and future degrees filled their minds. Although college was still a considerable distance away, they began exploring potential universities, hoping to find ones located in the same vicinity, though it seemed like a distant future.

Monika, overwhelmed by stress and work, had relinquished her role as the president of the Literature Club, passing the torch to Sayori, who had been serving as the Vice President. The club welcomed a few new members at the start of the year, and the enthusiasm among the club members was palpable. It appeared that this year held great promise.

August 2019

Kaito groaned as his alarm clock rang, dreading the start of another Monday. He shook off his drowsiness and hastily put on his school uniform before descending the stairs. His mother had recently started spending more time at home, enjoying her newfound free time. He greeted his mother with a smile and a hug. "Hey, Mom."

His mother returned the smile. "Hey, honey. How did you sleep?" Kaito shrugged lightly. "Pretty well, I suppose." He quickly devoured the pancakes his mother had prepared and checked the time. "I need to leave. Sayori should be ready by now." His mother nodded. "Alright, take care."

He waved goodbye and stepped outside, just as Sayori emerged. They shared a tender kiss and exchanged smiles. Kaito asked, "How are you doing?" Sayori responded with a gentle smile, "Much better than yesterday. The therapy sessions have been helpful. It's nice to talk to someone who cares and to have someone by my side, supporting me every step of the way." Kaito smiled back, and they walked hand in hand to school.

Later that day

During Sakurai's lecture on the Pacific War and its impact on Japan, time seemed to fly by. As the bell rang, students poured out of the classrooms and filled the bustling hallways. Kaito accidentally bumped into Natsuki. "Oh, sorry, Natsuki. I didn't mean to bump into you." Natsuki offered a small smile. "It's okay. I'll see you at the club after school." With that, she walked away, and Kaito headed to the cafeteria for lunch. There, he found Sayori and took his usual seat beside her.

Sayori greeted him with her radiant smile, causing Kaito to blush slightly as he returned the smile. "It's great to see you here. Isn't it a lovely day?" Sayori nodded, her mouth full of food. "Warie noice weder." Kaito chuckled before teasingly replying, "Could you say that without food in your mouth?" Sayori swallowed and apologized, "Sorry... I meant to say, 'Very nice weather.'" They spent the rest of the lunch period conversing. In the months since they had become a couple, their bond had deepened, and they had become inseparable once again. When school ended, they made their way to the club room, where they found Yuri, Natsuki, and two new members named Sakura and Aito. Kaito was glad to see that he wouldn't be the only male member anymore, not that he minded, but it brought a refreshing change. Sakura shared similarities with both Yuri and Sayori, being lively and bubbly but also shy around unfamiliar people. Aito was a mix of Monika and Kaito, serious yet lighthearted and kind. Unfortunately, Monika couldn't attend Unfortunately, Monika couldn't attend the meeting due to her busy schedule. However, she promised to make it whenever possible.

Kaito approached Sakura and extended his hand for a handshake. She smiled shyly and shook his hand. "You must be the new member. Welcome to the Literature Club," Kaito greeted her warmly. Sakura nodded, a hint of excitement in her eyes. "Yuri convinced me to join this year. I've heard great things about the club, and I hope it lives up to the expectations." Kaito smiled, appreciating Sakura's enthusiasm. He then glanced over at Aito, engrossed in a conversation with Natsuki about different spices used in cooking. Curiosity piqued, Kaito joined Sayori and sat next to her. "I'm really happy to see the club growing," he said with genuine joy. Sayori nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's going to be a fantastic year, I can feel it. Although I'm a bit sad that Monika couldn't make it."

The meeting began with introductions and an overview of the club's purpose. It extended for a while, and like the previous year, they were assigned the task of crafting poems. After the meeting concluded, Kaito and Sayori headed to his house for dinner. As they savored the meal, Akari, Kaito's mother, turned to Sayori and asked, "How are your parents doing?" Sayori shrugged, her expression a mix of melancholy and resilience. "They're doing okay, I suppose. My parents are once again on another long business trip." Akari wore a sympathetic expression. "Remember, Sayori, you're always welcome here." Kaito chimed in, playfully adding, "And even if you weren't, I'd still bring you over." His comment elicited a giggle from Sayori.

With dinner concluded, they settled in front of the television, primarily focused on the weather forecast. However, as the news broadcast began, a breaking news bulletin stole their attention: "North and South Korean Soldiers Exchange Fire in the Eastern DMZ, Tensions Mounting Once Again." For Kaito, such news had become commonplace, often leading to nothing substantial. Thus, he dismissed any immediate concern, and Sayori shared similar sentiments. For now, it seemed like nothing to worry about. The news continued, discussing upcoming weather conditions, including the arrival of a warm front—a perfect opportunity to organize another picnic in the park...

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