| first day |

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Y/n Tsumiki, a girl who was always having to move around town to town, country to country.

Well, I guess she couldnt complain, her having to move all the time was all her doing. You see, well. How do I say something as unbelieveable as this? She was a pyschic, well she didnt like to call it that, to be specific, a witch, thats what she was. Why was she always having to move? Well lets just say, she would let her powers..slip. Either she "accidentally" told someone, used them in public..you get the jist.

But she had felt so much guilt having to burden her parents with these stupid powers, she knew she could not, and I mean could not   let anybody know about this abomonation of hers..

So, she became the person you know of today.


As the sun shone through the satin curtains onto my poor tired, displeased self I groaned.

It was my first day at... UA? No. thats MHA...

Oh! my first day at PK academy..   why did I sound so excited? if you were to see my face right now, you would be able to tell , even with a side glance at how oh so very excited I was.

I just wanted to be at my old school, but stupid me had to go and-


Oh. what you just heard was my poor, long suffering mother.

I obviously called her "long suffering" because of me. I was clearly a huge burden to my family with my powers and they knew that. But of course I had to go and "accidentally" cause a huge-


whoops, guess I better get ready.

"Finally!" my mother exclaimed as I nearly  caused myself to end up at the hospital by tripping down the stairs, on what seemed my first day at this...school.


I sighed. I mean should I be judging this school prematurely?

I shook my head and started walking triumphantly towards the front doors of

P.K Academy. 

After what seemed like my 50th sigh of the day, and hours of walking these halls, I made it to

"Year 2 , Class 3"

A seemingly nice looking woman walked up to me, "Ah! Y/n Tsumiki is it?" she asked and I nodded. "Alright, wait here and come in when I say." she said with a sweet smile. You were practically sweating buckets at this point. What if the door gets stuck? What if they all laugh? What if I tri-

"Tsumiki, you can enter now."

'AAHH' you mentally screamed as you seemingly tried to not make a fool of yourself.

You walked to the front of the class and gave everyone a quick glance before introducing yourself.

"Hello everyone, I'm Y/n Tsumiki, Its nice to meet you all." You said with a small smile.

'Shes cute!'

'Not as pretty as teruhashi.'

'I wonder if she'll help me defeat Dark Reunion!'

'I wonder if she'll be my friend?'

"Alright Y/n, You can sit next to Mikoto, Mikoto please raise your hand."

You glanced around as you fixated your eyes on a pretty, gyaru tanned girl.  You gave her a smile and sat next to her.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to the gyaru, "Hey there! I'm Mikoto Aiura, You can just call me Miko!" She declared while doing some eccentric pose. ' Huh, I like her vibe' you thought. "Hello, As you've heard im Y/n Tsumiki. You can call me anything, though."

soft spot ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱  s. kusuoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora