" You were stabbed? And tortured?!" Fred asked concerned.
" Shh not important." Liliah didn't even look at him and placed her index finger to his lips.
" Are you absolutely sure Harry. Cause if you have even the littlest doing in your mind, you need to tell me. I'd rather do all of that a hundred times again then see you get hurt." Liliah told him.
" I'm absolutely sure." Harry walked towards her.
" Thank you." Liliah hugged him.

" You deserve it Li. You've been my rock this whole time. But you need time to rest and heal." Harry hugged back.
" When did you get so wise?" Liliah asked.
" Must of picked it from someone. Don't know who though." Harry shrugged and pulled away.
Liliah smiled and ruffled his messy hair.
" Still always going to be my little brother." Liliah said.
" One day I'll be older." Harry teased.
" Never." Liliah shook her head.

Liliah turned back around to Fred.
" Okay. Take me home." Liliah told him.
Fred smiled.
" We'll first thing tomorrow morning. First I want to have a little beach day with you." Fred wiggled his eyebrows.
" Ooo how romantic." Liliah smirked.
" Go and find us a good spot I'll be out in a minute." Fred wrapped his arms around her waist.
" Going to bath in sunblock?" Liliah asked.
" You know I have very light complexion." Fred said.
" Your just ginger." Liliah tapped his butt twice.

Then she walked past him outside.
" Hey Harry can I talk to you for a moment?" Fred asked.
" Uhh sure Fred." Harry said.
They walked up the stairs to the room Harry was staying in. Harry sat on the bed and Fred sat in a armchair across from him.
" So what's up?" Harry asked.
" Well...this." Fred reached in his jacket pocket.
He pulled out a small black box and opened it to reveal a diamond ring.

" Woah mate. I'm flattered but your dating my sister and I'm in a very committed relationship with Cedric, it would just be weird-" Harry started.
" It's for Liliah." Fred cut him off.
" Oh." Harry said.
" I want to ask Liliah to marry me. And since James isn't here to give me his blessing I'm asking you." Fred explained.
" You want to marry my sister?" Harry asked.
" More then anything in the whole world." Fred breathed out.

" You promise to never ever hurt her or cause her pain in any way?" Harry asked
" Never." Fred shook his head.
" Well...your still going to need Dads and moms approval to get actually married but I say yes you have my blessing." Harry said.
" Thank you-" Fred started.
" And you'll have to ask Sirius, and Remus also Cedric and Amelia. Not to mention her family in New York. Like her dad, and her godmother and her godfather and Wanda and Peter-"
Harry started naming all of Liliah's family.
" Okay thanks Har I get it." Fred stopped him.

Harry muttered a sorry. Fred took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. He walked pass Bill and Fleur who were sitting at the kitchen table.
" Good luck mate." Bill called to him.
Fred gave him a grateful smile and walked outside.

On the beach Liliah was laying down with her elbows propping her up. She watched the waves crash onto the shore then get sucked back into the ocean. Fred smiled at the sight, she looked like a beautiful siren especially with her outfit.
(outfit attached above)
Fred walked to her and sat down next to her. Liliah turned to him and smiled. Fred looked at her.

" What? What's that smile?" Fred asked.
" I love you more than anything in the whole world you know that?" Liliah told him.
" I know darling. I love you too." Fred's heart melted.
" I really really missed you." Liliah said.
" I missed you too. But from now on you I shall never spend another minute apart." Fred told her.
" How's that?" Liliah asked.
" Because I'm about to do something that will connect yours and I's hearts together forever, no matter who long or how far we are from one another." Fred told her.
Liliah gave him a confused look.

Fred stood up and then bent over and picked her up. He sat her on her feet.
" Fred whats goin-" Liliah started.
" Liliah Peggy Rogers I have loved you since I first saw you. I remember like it was yesterday they called your name and you walked up to the hat and it basically swallowed you whole. You had the cutest smile and as soon as it yelled Gryffindor you and I made eye contact. I turned to George and said that's the girl I'm going to marry. I promise myself I was going to. And I'm keeping my promise. Liliah will you marry me?" Fred bent down on one knee and pulled the ring out.

Liliah's eyes filled with tears of joy.
" Yes, yes Fred I'll marry you." Liliah nodded.
Fred smiled and placed the ring on her finger. He stood up and crashed their lips together. All of his dreams were coming true right in front his very own eyes.
" I love you, I love you, I love." Fred kissed all over her face.
" Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Liliah Peggy Weasley." Liliah said.
Fred's heart was literally going to burst from pure joy.

" Say it again." Fred kissed her jaw.
" Liliah Weasley. The wife of Fred Weasley." Liliah smirked.
Fred's eyes rolled back and he moved down to her neck.
" Again." Fred said.
" Fred and Liliah Weasley." Liliah said.
Fred groaned and placed his hands on the back her thighs and lifted her up.


Liliah hugged her brother once last time before she left.
" Please please be safe." Liliah told him.
" I promise Li. You be safe too. Stop running head first into danger." Harry told her.
" You know I can't make those promises." Liliah chuckled and pulled away to look at him.
" Once an Avenger always an Avenger." Harry smiled.

" Oh I'm going to Avenge. All the people that tried to save us from having to fight this war. I am avenging them all." Liliah nodded.
" Tell Cedric I love him." Harry said.
" Of course. I love you Harry." Liliah cupped his face.
" I love you to Liliah." Harry said.
Liliah smiled and ruffled his hair. Harry gave her an unamused look.

" Sorry I just had to do it one last time for good measure." Liliah said unapologetically.
" Your not sorry." Harry shook his head.
" Your absolutely correct." Liliah nodded.
They both chuckled and Fred walked to them.

" Time to go darling." Fred told her.
Liliah gave Harry a sad smiled and grabbed Fred's hand. Fred waved to his brothers and then they apparated. They landed in an unfamiliar house.

" Where are we?" Liliah asked.
" Safe house. It use to belong to Marlene McKinnon and Docras Meadows. Guess they were roommates." Fred shrugged.
Liliah smirked.
" Yeah sure 'roommates'" Liliah put air quotes around the word roommates.
Sirius had told her stories about Marlene and Docras. They were definitely way more then roommates.

" Liliah!" George rushed out of his room.
Liliah smiled and hugged her fiancée's look alike.
" Miss me Georgie?" Liliah asked.
" Godric yes. Fred is insufferable without you. You truly bring out the best in him. It was horrible." George hugged her tighter.
Liliah laughed and Fred rolled his eyes at his twin. He wasn't wrong but still.

They pulled away.
" Everyone is going to be so happy to see you." George told her.
Liliah smiled but it soon fell.
" Yeah...I really need to talk to my parents." Liliah sighed and sat on the couch.
" Why?" Fred asked sitting next to her.
" I found out Peter Pettgriw is my real godfather not Remus." Liliah told them.
" What?" The twins asked the same time.

" When I was at ummm I can't remember the name but this Manor. Anyways after I was tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, Peter helped me and broke Harry and Ron out of the dungeon. I asked why he was helping us. And he started going on about James and how alike we are then saying how he knew me before all of this. Then he told me he was my godfather." Liliah explained.
Both of the twins sat their jaws dropped.

" Merlin Liliah. I can barely keep up with you." Fred shook his head.

Liliah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now