1. The Girl.

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Amber POV:

Amber was a sweet girl who did what she was told most of the time. She was a 7 year old girl with chocolate brown hair and pale hazel eyes. She was the middle child in her family. She had a younger brother, Nate. An older sister, Laynee. And her eldest sister, Miranda who had moved out 2 years prior. She was a good student, for the most part. She was a pretty average kid overall. She was never the favorite, but she was never the least liked. She was going about her day on August 7th 1995, she was just starting her 2nd grade year. "Amber, would you stay after class for me?" her teacher asked towards the end of the class. "Sure, Ms. Stacy!" she replied sweetly. "Thanks darling."

Shortly after the bell rang and Amber stayed behind to talk to her teacher as she was asked. "Hey sweetheart, I've noticed that you seem really tired during class lately, is everything okay?" her teacher asked. "Yeah everythings fine! I'm just tired after walking here from home." Amber replied. "Alright hun, if you ever need anything you can always come talk to me." "Thank you Ms. Stacey." "Anytime, now run along and get home safe. Okay?" "Okay!"

Amber did just that, she sprinted down the hall to the back doors of her school and skipped along the road on her way home... Ms. Stacy however was still concerned about her student that she loved so dearly. Though she'd never admit it she did really love little Amber and the personality that she had. She loved all the spunk and personality that the little girl possessed. She loved the fact that she was determined to keep her grades good, but more than that she wanted to LEARN and really learn, she never missed a tutoring opportunity, nor did she miss a single day of school unless she was severely ill... something just didn't seem right to the teacher, Amber had always had more energy then she knew what to do with and now all of the sudden she was a quiet small girl with only the want to lay down and sleep... Ms. Stacey decided that she was going to make a phone call to the girl's mother to see if everything was indeed, alright at home.

So she just did just that, she called home and Amber's sister picked up the phone. Her sister was 4 years older and in the 6th grade. She answered the phone with a weary sounding voice "...Hello?" she asked. "Hi Laynee! It's Ms. Stacey, your sister, Ambers' teacher." Ms. Stacey said. "Oh okay, she isn't here yet if you wanted to talk to her." "That's okay, it's actually your mom that I wanted to speak with." Ms. Stacey replied. "Oh okay she's out in the gardens right now but when she comes back I'll have her give you a call when she's available to talk." Laynee stated. "Alright, thank you so much Laynee. I really appreciate it." "Yeah, anytime Ms. Stacey." After the phone call Ms. Stacey was left both confused and relieved to hear Laynees voice again. She waited for the phone call excitedly, and when it came she was shocked by the things she would hear...

549 words.

The dissapearance of Amber RoseWhere stories live. Discover now