Getting to know

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I put my hands over my head to cover myself from the rain but I was already halve way soaked.
A shadow appeared behind me and i slowly turned around.
Barb was standing there with her umbrella. "C'mon let's walk home",barb said then she hooked her arm around my arm and held the umbrella over us both.

We both stayed quiet while we walked home.
"Uh barb can I....ask you something?",I asked turning to face barb.
She looked at me and raised her eyebrow."What?",she asked.
"Why....after all the times you bullied me.....why are you so nice to me now?", I asked her as we stopped.

She gave me a weird smirk."Well I'm only being nice to you because I find you rather beautiful ",she said then moved some hair out of my face and looked at me with a creepy smile.
I felt instantly uncomfortable and looked away from her. "O-okay can we go home now",said and began walking. Barb caught up and we reached our homes.
Barbs house was right next to mine so I can never escape her. She will always follow me everywhere.

I said goodbye and went inside my house. It was the weekend so I didnt have to see barb.

Next day
I woke up and went downstairs. I sat at the table and scrolled through my phone. I then suddenly got a text from a new number. I opened the text and it said.

Hey it's me barb😘
I want to see how my babe is doing?
Want to come hang out later?


replyed saying "no". Then put my phone off and went to go make me cereal. How did barb even get my  number. Shes such a creep,I have to stay away from her.

Night time came and I heard my mom call me downstairs.
I went downstairs in my pajamas and saw mom and dad with lots of bags with them. They were dressed as if they were about to go out somewhere.
"Uh where you guys going?",I asked.

"We just got a call from uncle David from Australia. His wife just passed away and we need to go fly there for the funeral. So we're leaving tonight and we got someone to stay with you for the weekend, she happily agreed to stay with you since you two already know each other ",Dad gestured to someone at the door.

The person walked in with a bag. The person took their hoodie off. IT WAS BARB. *dramatic music*🎶

I gasped in shock.

"Well anyways our cab is here so we'll leave you two at it. Be nice to each other okay",Mom said then she and dad both went with their bags to the car outside.
They waved at me before they drove away.
I closed the front door and went into the kitchen.
I looked for barb but she wasn't there.
I then heard some noise upstairs. I went into my room and saw barb unpacking all of her stuff on my bed.
"BARB WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!",I shouted out in frustration while pulling on my hair.

"Dude chill, I'm just settling in. Your dad told me to look after you for the weekend so it's just me and you",she said looking at me with a creepy smile.

"Well theres a spare bedroom NEXTDOOR so you can go settle in there -.-",I said with an irritating look. I was getting annoyed with her. She just doesnt want to leave me alone. She always finds a damn way to be around me and irritate me.

"No",barb said.
"What?",I asked.

"I wanna be here with you because the room next door is cold. We can cuddle together and keep warm but first....",barb said walking towards me.
I backed up until I was against the wall. Barb came closer and moved my hair out of my face. I was getting scared. She came closer and grab the back of my neck to bring me closer and kissed me roughly on the lips.
I was surprised and also frightened.

I tried to move away but barb held me tight by my neck and held my wrists over my head with her other hand.

To be honest I really liked the kiss. Then barb moved down and kissed my neck. I flinched. I felt a bit uncomfortable. I push barb away and rubbed my wrist. It hurt from barbs strong grip.
"Why did you....kiss me?",I asked looking at her.
"Like I said earlier, your just beautiful",she said then walked away.
"I'm gonna take a quick shower then we can both go sleep",she said smirking at me then went to the shower.

I sighed and went downstairs to the kitchen. I sat on the couch and switched on the tv. "Thank god nothing else happened extreme happened after the kiss",I thought to myself.

I feel asleep on the couch for a few minutes.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I ignored it and kept sleeping. Then someone started shaking me by the shoulders. I woke up and saw barb standing in front of me.

"Cmon let's go upstairs and go sleep",she said and grabbed my arm. She dragged me upstairs and into my room. I layed down on the bed with barb laying next to me.
I switched off the lamp next to my bed and turned to barb. "Night barb, dont try anything stupid tonight-.-",I told her.
She chuckled and nodded. We both feel asleep a few minutes later.

 (Dont Read :P) Barb x Jessica (lovesick)Where stories live. Discover now