'A Trip To Diagon Alley'

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'I was thinking tomorrow morning since term starts in a few days,' he informed me.

'Alright then,'

' Alright then, we'll leave for Diagon Alley tomorrow morning then.'

The next morning I was woken up by the sound of my father's voice. ' Wake up! We have to go to Diagon Alley in an hour.'

' I'm up,' I said lazily,' I'll just get dressed and be downstairs with you soon.'

' Alright, but be quick because you have to make breakfast for us too. I'm not willing to cook because I make a terrible chef!' he said, slightly annoyed at the fact that he can't cook a meal without burning down the kitchen. I chuckled in response. 'Alright, I'll be quick. Don't worry.'

'Good,' he smiled at me as he left the room. I immediately got up and went to the bathroom and freshened up. Once I was done, I headed back to my room and picked out some clothes for the day. I picked out a dark green off-shoulder dress and a black cloak to go with it. I got dressed and immediately headed downstairs, straight to the kitchen. 'Try to be a little quick alright?' My father said loudly from the living room. ' I will!' I said in response. 

I started making scrambled eggs and bacon as quickly as I could. When I was done cooking, I put the food on two plates and went to the living room. I handed one plate to my father and then I sat on a chair next to the fireplace and started eating. 

'Are we going to use Floo Powder to get to Diagon Alley?' I asked my father as I took a large bite of bacon. 'Yes. We'll be doing that to get to Hogwarts too. Most students have to use the Hogwarts Express to get to the school but since I'm a teacher, I have a few extra...ah! 'Traveling privileges',' he replied proudly. A little while later, Father and I were standing in front of the fireplace. Father had a pot of Floo Powder in his hands. 'I'll go first. You come right after me. Clear?' He asked me to check whether I was listening.

'Clear,' I said in response.

Father took a handful of Floo Powder in his hands and stepped into the fireplace. He let the powder fall through his fingers as he shouted in a loud and clear voice,' Diagon Alley!' He was engulfed in green flames and as soon as the fireplace returned to normal, he was gone. I took a handful of powder in my hands and stepped into the fireplace. I said as clearly as possible,' Diagon Alley!' 

Almost immediately, I was engulfed in green flames. I felt a rush of adrenaline as if I was twirling around multiple times. When the rush of adrenaline stopped and I felt solid ground under my feet, I finally opened my eyes and saw my father standing right in front of me. 'There you are! Now, come on. We have a lot of shopping to do,' my father informed me as we stepped outside. 'Where are we going to first?' I asked my father. 

'We are going to Gringotts to get ourselves some money,' he answered as he gestured me to follow him. As we walked, I noticed a ton of people in Diagon Alley. I also noticed a shop called 'Quality Quidditch Supplies. Right outside the shop was displayed the most beautiful broomstick I had ever seen. Beside it, there was a sign that read. 'The Firebolt'. Many children were gathering around it for a good look. I stopped in my tracks to look at it. 'Do you see that? That's the latest model. Apparently, it's the fastest broom in the world!' I longingly looked at it. I had the urge to just grab the broom and use it to fly, but I didn't do so because I knew that would be rude.

 'Alexandra? Aren't you coming?' my father turned around to look at me. He noticed what I was staring at. 'I'll buy a good broomstick later on if you'd like,' he told me as he reached out and grabbed my hand. 'Really? You'd do that?' I asked him. He replied with a subtle nod. 

Cold Beauty (Harry Potter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن