Meeting His Match (Ouat FF)- Tiger Lily

Start from the beginning

"What were they like?"

Natalie stopped walking, making Pan furrow his brows in worry.

"Who?" Natalie asked, turning to look at the boy whose name was Beck.

"Your family," he stated.

"Yeah, what were they like?" came a reply.

"Were they cozy?" asked one.

"Did you have siblings?" asked another.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you. Mark, may you please take these to Pan and Felix?" she asked the boy who asked for bread, sitting down on an empty log. Mark nodded, quickly taking the bowls and walking to Pan and Felix, before running back to sit next to her. "Okay. I did have siblings. A younger sister named Emily. I had a mother and a father, and grandparents too."

"What were their names?" asked Cubs. She smiled.

"My grandparents' names were Richard and Kahlan Cypher. I had a great grandfather who was a wizard but I never knew him. His name was Zed. My parents' names were Lilianne and Hared Galego."

"What were they like?" a Lost Boy asked, one she did not know the name of.

She looked at him curiously. "What's your name?" she asked him. He was taken back by her question.

"Um, Samuel."

She smiled. "Well, Samuel, I was closest to my grandparents. They taught me how to fight, hunt, and use magic."

"Magic?!" the boys exclaimed at once. Natalie giggled, nodding.

"Yes, magic. You wanna see?" she asked them. They all nodded excitedly. She stood up and moved the metal plate and pot from the fire. She backed up. "Might want to take a step back, Boys," she warned them.

The boys did so, watching intently. She smiled before closing her eyes, taking a deep breath. She put out her hands, then pulled them back, repeating the motion until the flames in the fire grew. All the boys gasped as they saw the fire rise. Suddenly, Natalie closed her hands and the fire exploded, turning into small, purple sparks. She opened her eyes then moved her right hand back, closing the one fist. This caused half of the sparks to circle around the camp, the other half dancing around the boys.

All the boys laughed as they watched the sparks turn different colors. Felix was even pulled into the laughter and yells of excitement. Pan chuckled, keeping his eyes on Natalie. He never knew she could do this, he thought her powers were just for self defence. He watched as Natalie laughed, moving her wrists in circles so the sparks made spirals into the air. She then closed her hands and put them to her side, making the sparks disappear and the fire return back to normal.

"Alright, time for bed," she called, making the boys groan, but go to their tents. But instead of sleeping, they came out with their sleeping mats and laid around the fire, looking up to Natalie.

"Will you sing us a lullaby?" asked one. They all chanted in agreement. Natalie looked unsure at first.

"Oh, come on. Can't sing, Love?" Pan teased, walking over and sitting on a log. Natalie glared at him, sitting next to Mark. The boy crawled out of his bed and laid in Natalie's lap, resting his head in the crook of her neck. She smiled, petting his hair as the boys waited patiently.

She then sighed, nodding. "Oh, alright," she murmured, watching as all the boys laid down and waited for the song. Natalie racked her brain for a song until one came to mind. The one her grandmother used to sing. The song Kahlan said the Confessors sang to the girls at night.

Lay down your head, and I'll sing you a lullaby

Back to the years, of loo-li lia- lay

And I'll sing you to sleep, and I'll sing you tomorrow

Bless you with love, for the road that you go

Pan watched with astonishment as her beautiful voice began to help the boys drift of to sleep, Natalie rocking back and forth as she cradled Mark like a child of her own. He then took notice at her hair that was now almost raven black, her brown eyes changing to form a slight blue. Somewhat how she described her grandmother to look in her younger years.

May you sail far, to the fair fields of fortune

With diamonds and pearls, at your head and your feet

And may you need never, to banish misfortune

May you find kindness, in all that you meet

Natalie was now glowing slightly, a gold aura surrounding her as her eyes changed to a bright brown, but the girl didn't seem to notice.

May there always be angels, to watch over you

To guide you each step of the way

To guard you, and keep you, safe from all harm

Loo-li, loo-li lia-lay

Natalie's clothing now began to change, her green suit turning into a beautiful white gown with a white hood attached to it, much like the one her grandmother had, but this was much newer, and had golden outlines on the sleeves that reached her elbow, then flowed out.

May you bring love, and may you bring happiness

Be loved in return, to the end of your days

Now fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you

I'll just sit for a while, and sing loo-li lai-lay

Now, there was some kind of band forming on Natalie's head, her hair now a raven black, wavy down her back.

May there always be angels, to watch over you

To guide you each step of the way

To guard you, and keep you, safe from all harm

Loo-li, loo-li lai-lay; Loo-li, loo-li lai-lay

The glow had now dimmed, and you could clearly see the small gold crown upon Natalie's black hair, gems falling down to her forehead. She laid Mark down, covering him before standing up, walking off. That's when she noticed that her gown seemed longer. She looked down, and gasped as she saw the dress, a Confessor dress, and the crown laid upon her head.

She looked up to see Pan looking at her, truly memorized by her beauty. He stood up and grabbed her hand, twirling her around.

"You truly look magnificent, Natalie," he whispered. She looked down and smiled.

"This isn't me, though," she said, looking up at him. "That song was a song that made women into Confessors. Guess it just gave me the clothing. But, I'm no Confessor."

She closed her eyes and used her magic to change her clothing into her green fighting gown.

"This is me. I'm no Confessor. I'm not even an killer anymore. I don't know what I am," she said truthfully. Pan put a finger under her chin and lifted it up so she looked at him.

"What do you want to be?" he asked.

"I want to be a Lost Girl," she said without hesitation. "But I need a new name. I'm a new person, I want to part with my past."

"Well then, what should we call you?" he asked. Natalie hummed, looking around as she thought. Suddenly, she stopped, looking to a bush that held a orange flower with black dots.

"A tiger lily. That was my grandmother's favorite flower," she murmured to herself. She the decided, looking to Pan.

"Tiger Lily. Call me Tiger Lily."


Hey guys!!! Was that okay? Did you like that twist? Were you expecting that when you read the title? Let me know in the comments. Okay, this was nice and sweet but don't be fooled. The next chapter will be the battle with the Changelings.

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