Mr. Himchan: Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"Why would you speak back to the CEO?!?!?!?!"

She felt as her world was going to end.

"The... CE...CEO?" She stutter.

"Yes! Oh my god, lucky you didn't left you resume because he would of look for who you are and not hire you."

"What makes this bitch think that I didn't left my resume? Is it because of the way I am dressed?" She thought.

"Whatever just because he is the CEO doesn't mean he gets to be rude to other people." She said getting ready to leave.

She walked away thinking that she messed up her interview not even been able to be called to an interview. She decided to look for another job because she was sure she wasn't going to get that job. A week went by and she was called to her phone.

"Hello? Yes this is her speaking. An interview? Sure! When?! Got it thank you!" She hung up the phone and she had a big smile.

She then got ready for the interview, she wore a long black elegant dress, black heals and her hail in a high pone tail. Twenty minutes later she was walking up the stairs of the national bank. When she got into the bank everyone greeted her.

"Is this how you get treated when you are well dressed?" She thought.

She walked towards the counter and without saying anything to the secretary the secretary said:

"Go through that hall way, in the end you will see an elevator, take this key, one you are in the elevator put the key and press the number 20. That the office of the CEO, the last floor. When you get there you will be greet by a secretary."

She took the key trying to remember everything that she just said. She then walked towards the elevator. Once at the last floor she walked to the secretary counter.

"Please take a sit." The secretary said without even looking at her.

She rolled her eyes and sat down. Half an house later she was called to the interview, she walked to an office but she didn't see the CEO she saw the secretary from the desk. Moments later the interview began and the interview was given by the secretary. The interview went well for her, she left the office without any hopes of being called to another interview, she already had plenty interviews that went well but she never got the job. A moth later she decided to look for another job when one day she got a phone call telling her to go to the National Bank. When she went there the thought that she was going to get another interview.

"You are hired." The secretary said looking at some papers.

"What?! No more interviews?"

"Interview? We only give one interview if you messed up the first interview you wont get another interview."

"I see..."

"Well here you go."

The secretary said handing her a huge mountain of papers. She took the papers almost stumbling.

"Don't messed up you first day by dropping those papers. Go the that door and you will meet with the CEO."

She began to get nervous as she walked towards the door. She stood in front of the door thinking of how she was going to open the door now that her hands well holding the papers. She did her best to open the other and did it. She walked in closing the door behind her. When she finally turned around she was surprise to see a huge office with a huge wall that was a glass window with a view of the city. She looked around and the office had business reunion tables and chairs, it had a small kitchen and a small living room. In every desk and table there were mountains of paper works.

Mr. HimchanWhere stories live. Discover now