Techs Weird Dream 🛌

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"What you looking at emo?"

Tech waited for a response from the man in front of her. At the moment, she wanted to show him who was in charge right now.

He chuckled and then narrow his eyes until he finally respond after a full minute.


The fuck-

Rawr? Thats his response? It was a weird one but it made her heart beat skip a beat.

"S-stop that you emo cracker."

Hold on.

Did she just called him that? Yep. Why? Because why not.

Does she regret it? No.

But was it a smart move? Maybe. Or maybe not.

His tall form stared down at her. He didn't say anything and only stare deep in her soul. Oh shit, did Tech fucked up?

"You wanna go sweet heart?" When he said that he meant like fighting.

"Oh yeah." Tech smirked at him.

A beautiful answer right? Definitely. Hearing that made Brian walk closer and caused him to slowly backed her up against the wall.

He spoke out. "Rawr."

"S-stop that you baka." Tech blushed and looked down at the bugs literally killing each other on the ground.

She found that better to look at, and more interesting than him.

He chuckled and slammed his hand on the wall against her head. He leaned down a little and let out a sigh near her ear.

"But its fun."

Tech pushed him onto the ground now dominating. She looked at him in the eyes.

"Oh really?"

Brian's breath hitched at the unexpected movement.


He sat up a bit and reached out to grab her by the arm in order for him to pull her down which made her fall on top of him, slamming her body against his. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You know...I find this fun...I hope you also find it fun..."

She placed her finger on his chin and then spoked.

"Oh I certainly do papi~"

He leaned in but felt her weight off him. He looked up to only see her smirk at him.

"Well are you going to lay there or are we gonna go?"

He got puzzled yet assumed by the scene

Smart move Tech. Going along then boom, crush his hopes and dreams.

Brian soon felt frustrated and got up.

Was he going to do it?


He went closer to her and grabbed her by the waist. He licked his lips and leaned in for a kiss.

It wasn't sloppy or anything.  Just a normal calm kiss.

And he certainly enjoyed it.

After that, he let go and walked away acting like nothing happened.

"Okay, let's go."

Tech stood there dumbfounded by what happened.

"What the-"

Tech woke up all the sudden and sat up quickly from her bed. What kind of dream was that?


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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Yandere Hoodie X Tech [For Someome Named Tech 🧍🏻‍♂️]Where stories live. Discover now