Then he was 10

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Gene:I don't have time for this he punches it Gene:I have been to busy and am not missing another one of his birthdays. He throws the crystal and traps it Gene:Gotta love traptaimum he runs and leaves it at the clan and opens a portal. Gene:Right on time he goes in May:Dad your here on time Gene:No need to sound so surprised. May points to him Craiku:Thanks dad Gene:You only turn ten once everyone:Happy birthday Craiku. Craiku:Now ket’s break the pinyata Eugeo:Don't you wanna open your gifts first? Craiku:After the cake I can already taste that candy Ronie blindfolds him Teise:Your the birthday boy. Craiku:Yeah Ronie:Remember your training Teise:Feel the vibrations Ronie:No sense the movement in the wind. Craiku:Hm he senses it feels the vibrations from the roap it's and smashes it Craiku:Your rain of terror is over pinyata. Ronie:You slayed it Craiku:Thus abandoning my pasifisum vertus they stare at each other and laugh. Craiku:That was fun he gets the candy Craiku:Yum cherry they hand out his gifts Craiku:This blade rocks Eugeo:Try using earth magic with it Craiku moves it Craiku:Woah! Eugeo:It's made of the same crystal your old armor is Craiku:Your rock Eugeo:I swear if it wasn't your birthday! Alice:My turn this gift should out class the rest Craiku:What's this Alice:Open it Craiku:Woah a light spell book. Alice:Your learned all four elements of the earth how hard could my element be Craiku:Pretty hard. Alice:Hmph Craiku:That’s exactly how I like it Alice:I knew you’d like it Teise:Really because yesterday. Alice pinches her cheeks Teise:I got Craiku a really awesome gift Alice releases her Teise:Check this out. Craiku:Woah the whole sentai series Teise:I know I rule Ronie:Now for my gift Craiku:A glider. Ronie:Since you over came your fear of heights I think this would come in handy. Craiku:Sweet Ronie:It even comes with a snack dispenser she opens it Craiku:Gummy bears Ronie:That's a snack would won’t choke on. Craiku:Thanks Ronie I love it May:Now for my gift Craiku:New armor your the best. Viola:And my gift her wolf eats it Viola:Bad Artemis. Gene:Guess that leaves my gift now you know I haven't been siked about you going into the hero buisness. Craiku:Really haven't noticed Gene:Fighting villains isb’t kid stuff May:Ahem Gene:But since I could when I was your age I think you should have this. Craiku:No way it links to his arm Craiku:My own heros gauntlet Craiku:This is so cool which techniques can I try first. Gene:Which of metal I started with it so can you Craiku:But I can't do metal magic Gene:Your my son of course you can. Craiku:With my earth power I probably move the bits of earth inside he covers his arm Craiku:I did it Gene:You did kinda cheated. Craiku:Wait how Gene:That trick is different than how I do it but I guess once you get more experience you’ll figure it out. Craiku:So will my other elements worked Gene:If you use it right they will Gene armors up Gene:I gotta run Craiku:Don't you mean we gotta run race ya he dashes off. Ronie:I taught him that Gene:Thanks a lot he runs after him May:I couldn't even teach him that Ronie:Wind power baby. They run to earth Gene:Slow down Craiku he attempts to keep up Craiku:I am you can see me can’t you? He sees a slug villain he gets stuck but Gene destorys the slush and Craiku gets stuck. Gene:I tried to warn you that the slush monster traps you in it’s goo then attacks Craiku burns it with his feet. Craiku:Next time I'll stop Gene:(Was hoping he'd stay stuck) Craiku blasts it Gene:Craiku you don't know about this thing. Craiku:It's a piece of goo that relies on sticky slush to immoblize you. Gene throws the egg and it gets trapped Craiku:Cool it's like a Pokemon well let’s get some more he runs. Gene:Ugh so hotheaded Craiku makes a earth pillar and punches the monster with a iron justice's punch Craiku:I learned that in twe kwan doe. Craiku uses a waterfall Gene zaps it with eelectricity Gene prepares a final blow but Craiku uses his ice breath. Gene:Craiku I had him Craiku:Just wanted to make sure could I get a egg he tosses it Craiku:Always wanted to do this. He traps it Craiku:This is fun I love my gift your the best key’s go beat up some more monsters he runs of. Gene:Maybe I'm being to obtight Craiku:Hey dad this lava villain has shown up Gene:Or not he runs later back home Craiku is covered in ash. May:How’d it go Craiku:Three up three down I was unstoppable and dad was such a great mentor. Gene:Yeah but you jump in without thinking Craiku:Relax we stopped the monsters didn't we. Gene:Your combo almost failed Craiku:Almost but I made the crater so it didn't I’m gonna tell the others. Gene:Where does he get that arrogance from May:He confident arrogance is misplaced confidence. Gene:You don't understand the stakes Craiku will have your the careful one. May:I wanted him to train so he'd be able to handle himself and now he can Gene:He needs restraint. May:Um don’t get mad Gene:What did you just do Craiku:Thanks for the realm crystal big sis gonna go on patrol now byeee. Gene:May why of all things May:I felt guilty about hiding him so long it's time he explored the world. Gene:You do realize that there’s a hero Craiku can't go near. May:Vegito's dead Gene:No a few years back after a rouge miraculous user was defeated and Fu’s former student is back. May:Why didn't you tell me Gene:You didn't tell me you were giving him a crystal May:Let’s find him how often does she patrol. Gene:Very May:Oh no Oh no I’m a idiot Gene:Let’s find him quickly Alice:Hey have you May:Out of our way Craiku’s in danger. Eugeo:Then let us help Gene:Then let’s go. May:Poor Craiku he must be suffering Craiku:Wee this gliders the best hm he uses the snack dispenser Craiku:Ronie’s right that's really useful and tasty. Natsuo roars Craiku:Of course not but it helps keep me on my toes or this case off them a robbery stay up here I got this. He lands Jessie:I’d fork over the cash if I were you James:Wouldn’t want to damage this place. Catra:Ok wait for a opening Craiku:Your gonna end up getting damaged if your don’t back off! Jessie:Prepare for trouble James:And make it double Jessie:To protect the world from devistation James:To untie all people within our nation. Jessie:Jessie James:James Jessie:Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light James:Surrender now or prepare to fight. Craiku:Ok I could use a workout Jessie:Who do you think you are turp Craiku:Why don't you find out the launch a rocket at him which he hits into the sky and blows her down. James tries wrapping him up but he air scooters away and flings him into the air James oof. Craiku:Have a goos idea about who I am now chumps They try escaping but Craiku traps them in earth. Andrew:Your under arrest Craiku:Take them away officers Andrew:Your under arrest too Craiku:What but I stopped those guys. Andrew:And recked half the block Craiku:What was I supposed to do Andrew:Your a combat hero not a small crime hero. Craiku:So I’m supposed to ignore the crimes that goes against everything I stand for Andrew:Come with me. Craiku whistles and Natsuo swoops down Craiku:Sorry but can’t do my job in jail see ya chief. They fly Craiku:Thanks buddy he roars Craiku:Told you I wasn't replacing you still this city is screwed up I stop some crooks and they try and arrest me. Natsuo roars Craiku:Yeah I should remove the mask next time.

Craiku gets something to eat in civilian form Craiku:Here he bites Catra:What were you thinking Craiku:Ok this isn't the most popular flavor. Catra:No back there at the bank you can’t just go dish out justice like you own the place. Craiku:I don't know what your Catra:You have a dragon Craiku:Shoot Catra:Who are you. Craiku:I'm Craiku the blue magician Catra:I’m well aware of you tital why are you here? Craiku:To help Catra:Cause property damage looks more like it look I have a case to take care stay out of my way or I’m turning you in. Craiku:Ugh find ms cranky cat Catra:That's Catra to you kid ugh Craiku:What's the problem Catra:None of your business. Concelle:Catra got the material for the trip Craiku:Woah a male ladybug Concelle:Oh hey kid bet you never seen this hero before. Craiku shakes his head Concelle:Well now you have Catra:Let's go Craiku:Wait I can help. Concelle:How you don't have powers Craiku:Oh yeah silly me he sneaks away to change. Craiku lands in front Craiku:Greetings fellow heroes Catra:Him Concelle:Hello call me Concelle I saw you fighting with the destoryer. Craiku:I’m the blue magician but you can call me blue Concelle:I actually have to recruit someone could you go with Catra. Craiku:Yes Concelle:Your hired Catra:Hey who put you incharge Concelle:Who put you in charge. Catra:Ugh he makes me angry Craiku:Are you his boss or something Catra:No I’m his partner. Craiku:So why are you acting so controlling Catra:You don't know Concelle Craiku:I don't know you either. Catra:Just come with me Craiku:Oh alright they head to the clan Craiku:The hero clan why are we here? Catra:Someone has been trying to steal two miraculous Craiku:Who Catra:There's this really bad guy who used a miraculous to turn people into villains. Craiku:Why don't you just destory it first she attacks him but he dodges Craiku:You trying to kill me? Catra:Destorying the it would be a sin do you know a first thing about miraculous Craiku:No I wasn't on earth when he attacked my big sis was super protect oh look out a ball of dark energy flies towards him but he blocks it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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