icq part 2 les go

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Koko: pls gayrate me
The Bot on Discord: 50% gay
Koko: wait how the heck did the bot know i'm somewhat gay, since i'm bi
N4N0: *puts a black and cyan version of Ron*
Ron: what?
N4N0: I'm half computer (PC head, human body), what can't I do?
Ron: Swim.
N4N0: ... dammit.
Koko: who cares if hell isn't a party? I'll make it one!
Opheebop: I already tried. It only lasted one minute.
Koko: oh god-
N4N0: Hey, Koko, what's this called?
Koko: A spork, I thought you could just scan and know what it's called.
N4N0: I can, but RixTWIN, what'd you call this earlier?
RixTWIN: F- Fpoon-
(credit to (i forgot who) for this skit)
Past Koko: What the hell are you?
Friday Night Funkin': An epic game you called 'dumb.' I'm a rhythm game, that's why it's music and arrows.
Past Koko: shut up noob piggy is bett-
Koko: fnf is better than piggy bitch
(change my mind)
N4N0: Hey, what can scare you?
N4N0's mind: Please be something horror game related...
IRL Koko: Anyone saying "boo" at me from behind a wall.
N4N0: MUAHA- Wait what?
IRL Koko: Yeah.
Bob: Killing someone is just helping them commit suicide!
Roblox Filter Chat: ####### someone is just helping them ###### ########
Bob: what the hell?
Ron: i don't think anyone could win in a fight with me.
Some guy on reddit: "use scissors and instantly win"
Ron: ok that's a fair result
someone (not saying their user): CAN I PUT MY BALLS IN YO JAWSSSS-
Koko: I HAVE BEEN DEMONITIZED. NO BALLS in my mouth. i'm demi fuck you >:[
Also Koko: jk i'll put as many balls in my mouth
also also Koko: THAT'S A JOKE, KEEP THE CHILDREN SAFE! but still no balls in my mouth >:[
(this looked alot funnier in my head)
N4N0: I'm kidnapping you.
RixTWIN: Is the basement hard and cold?
N4N0: what the hell? Why aren't you scared? But yeah, the basement is hard AND cold.
RixTWIN: Good. Go ahead and kidnap me.
RixTWIN: awe man.
(This happened in school with a friend of mine, lol)

incorrect quotes (FNF themed i guess)Where stories live. Discover now