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Mari's not dead again!!!!!!!! Basil is just being lazy and tired and shy and antisocial anddd i'm getting ahead of myself-

Basil's pov

I yawned soon after I got up from my bed. The warm light from my window leaked into my bedroom creating a plethora of bright colours that danced around my room. It was a very pleasant morning and it sort of motivated me to keep going about my day. I stood up from my bed, even though I was still really tired, and made my bed before leaving.

Grandma hasn't been too healthy to start walking again and Polly was busy taking care of grandma so I instead took the responsibility to grab the groceries from OtherMart and maybe even greet my friends along the way! As soon as I walked out of my room, I could smell bacon and eggs from downstairs.

"Basil! Food is ready!!" Polly yelled from downstairs. I was still tired but was able to walk downstairs with what little energy I had left. "I should've taken the food upstairs to your room, sorry basil! You look awfully tired today.. You should go to sleep more! I'll deal with the groceries myself. It's ok!" Polly said with a worried look on her face. I was still too tired to respond and instead plopped on the couch like a gloomy cloud raining on a sunny day. The warm light that splashed on the plants, creating a warm feeling in my heart as I felt more awake. I did more warm ups as I stretched my hands up and moved side to side. I turned to Polly to which Polly noticed me looking at her.

"I-I think i can go now! Sorry, I was just tired earlier but I'm still going to pick up the groceries" I said with a smile. Polly smiled back with a concerned yet happy sigh.

"Alright then Basil. You can go pick them up since I still need to do the laundry and make some food for your grandmother. Sorry I have been pretty slow with my work, I should've been more focused..!" Polly said.

"You're doing a great job! You should take a break once in a while!" I said as an attempt to reassure Polly to which polly smiled even brighter back and nodded vigorously.

"Thank you, Basil! I will" Polly said before walking off to the back to do some laundry. I sighed, still sort of tired and walked to the counter, where she kept the breakfast and ate it up.


I walked upstairs and began taking out the clothes that I was going to wear. I wore my usual outfit, a white shirt with a collar and a greenish-turquoise sweater with beige shorts. It wasn't the best attire to go out for all weathers but it worked relatively well for warm weathers.


After showering, I felt more energized to go out and explore longer. Recently, I haven't been feeling that well fit or maybe I was just too lazy to go out. I, of course, watered my plants but afterwards, I ended up plopping back on my bed and sleeping for half of the day till the next morning. As I was about to leave, I glanced out the window and noticed that the sky was getting a little bit more gloomier..

"Maybe I should go back to my room... This seems like the perfect time to read a book alon-- No no! I have to grab the groceries!! They're so important right now! Grandma needs them for her meals and we're running low on ingredients to cook with.." I thought and sighed. "At least the plants outside don't need to be watered!" I thought as I smiled. Before I grabbed my raincoat, I noticed a $20 bill and a $10 bill next to it. There was a paper too and it read:

"I took your advice and decided to visit my family for a while and take some time off! Don't worry, I have prepared some food in the fridge for you and I already gave your grandmother some as well. Use this money for your trip to OtherMart and maybe even use it to have fun with your friends! I will be back before dawn - Love Polly <3"

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