The invitation

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Evelyn got to the last step and hugged everyone as a greeting. "Hello again supers" she said proudly as she smiled at them individually. She glanced over at Helen with a deep smile and looked away. "So, me and Winston are inviting you all to a party tomorrow!" She said with her soft, deep voice. Helen looked away with her heart beating rapidly whilst Evelyn was explaining the details. "Something wrong Helen?" Evelyn said as she turned her head at Helen. "y-yeah yeah im fine.." Helen was stuttering like mad, "..okay if you say so" Evelyn looked back at the supers while Helen rushed to the closest bathroom there was. She was out of breathe so she looked around for a water fountain and as she glanced at the stairs she saw Evelyn walking up the stairs slowly. Helen quickly looked away but not quick enough for Evelyn not to notice, she walked up to her and put her hand on Helen's shoulder.

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