The begining

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Evelyn was driving from an interview about her new inventions and the road was empty with a sunset rising from the side. Evelyn's eyes were heavy, they were becoming more and more heavier every minute. In the distance she could see devtech's glowing logo, she drove closer and parked behind winton's car and got out of her car and slammed the door, she was wearing a black and white stripy shirt with baggy black pants and black heels along with an oversized black jacket, she walked up to the doors and closed them behind her quietly and rushed up to her room and dived on to her bed laying her face on her pillow. "Evelyn are you alright?"winston said worriedly, "yes, im just very tired after that interview.." said evelyn in a deep sleepy voice. She got up and sat with her legs crossed on her bed looking winston in the eyes, "would you get my pyjamas?" Said evelyn. "Oh you won't be needing those at the moment, the supers are downstairs!" Winston said ecstaticly as he walked out the room rushing downstairs. Evelyn looked in the mirror whilst fixing her hair and makeup and walked slowly downstairs.

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