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“OKAY, WHAT THE FUCK?” Mu Narin mumbled in disbelief as she stared at her own reflection. Her gaze glued at her now deep oceanic blue eyes.

She leaned her body further. Her forehead almost touching the bathroom‘s cold mirror.

“is that idiotic brother of mine pranking me or sonething?” she murmured to herself holding her chin in a thinking manner “that seems plausible but how the hell does that even work without the use of contact lenses”


She suddenly bolted out of the bathroom heading towards to the kitchen down the hallway.

“KIHA, YOU FUCKING RAT BASTARD. DID YOU USE SOME EXPERIMENTAL SHIT YOU BOUGHT ON SOME SHADY WEBSITE TO CHANGE MY EYES WHILE IM SLEEPING?!” she screamed like there‘s no tomorrow making the said male to spit his morning coffee in surprise.

Mu Kiha looked at her eyes specifically to know what in the world is his half-deranged little sister is talking about.

“did you finally lose it?” he said with a judgemental look with a hint of slight pity painted on his face.

“what? No! My eyes, look at my eyes!” she dramatically pointed at her eyes “my dark brown eyes are now blue kiha, blue!”

“are you on drugs? that‘s it, im snitching you on mom” he said bringing out his phone still dumbfounded at the girl sudden outburst early on the morning.

I know she‘s weird and a little bit insane but what the hell is wrong with her early on the morning?

“HEY-im not on drugs!!” she snatched his phone out of his grasp knowing that he has a bunch of embarrassing stolen pictures of her that may or may not include her used-to-be dark brown eyes.

He tried to stole it back but was unfortunately got strongly kicked in the shin, making him die inside as he leaned on the kitchen table for support.

What the-

Her eyes widen in disbelief as she scrolled his camera roll. There‘s not a single picture of her with brown eyes can be found.

And for the second time this morning,she bolted out of the room after tossing her brother‘s phone back who might‘ve missed if he did not do a full on dive down to the wooden floorboards.

“you idiot! I just bought this like three weeks ago!”



She frantically flipped through her childhood photo album,like earlier--all of the pictures doesn't match the ones in her memory.

“is this some sort of prank?” she asked herself, eyes darting around the room in search of a hidden camera.

“oi Narin, the hell is wrong with you early this morning?” her brother peeked in the living room entrance seeing Narin on the floor littered with photo albums and pictures.

“don't tell me you‘re doing this to skip the first day of school” he deadpanned “if you want some advice is suggest drinking creek water, did that in middle school and skipped class for a whole month”

“i‘ll keep that in mind-BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT HERE” she screamed pointing at him “AND WHAT FIRST DAY??SCHOOL DOESN'T BEGIN TILL THE NEXT MONTH”

“...its march ten right now”


“Good morning dear viwers, Today‘s March 10 of 20XX. This is your morning news repoter, Gu Young”

What in the fickity fuck fuck

And in the end, Mu Kiha blackmailed his little sister in order to make her to go to school despite all the weird shit happening right now.


“dear god” Mu Narin gawked at the sight of almost-shimmering modern school architecture named ‘Ji Jon middle school’

“all of this shit is straight out of a cringe highschool shojuo manga” she said to herself looking at her aesthetic looking uniform and the school back and forth.

This has got to be a weird fever dream or im just going insane right now’

Oi kid!” a man in a staff uniform shouted gaining her attention “hurry up! We‘re closing the gates in five minutes!”

“S-sure, I guess” she mumbled to herself, gripping tightly the straps of her bag as she make her way towards the cliche looking middle school.

She gulped noticing she‘s one of the very few student outside.

im fucked’

“excuse me sir” she called out to the man who‘s noticably a teacher “im a first year and uh, I need to know which class im in..?” she mentally facepalmed on how awkward her sentence is.

“do you happen to be Mu Narin?” the man asked looking at her

“um, I am..?”

“that's a relief” the male teacher smiled “you're the only one missing in my class, I almost thought you skipped the first day”

“haha yeah, definitely did not planned that” she nervously chuckled as she stiffly scratched the back of her neck.

What's up with the kind attitude?!i really thought he‘s going to scre-i mean scold me for being late on the fucking first day of school,you know,like a normal teacher would’ she deadpanned following her homeroom teacher to their assigned classroom.

Ham dan i heaved a sigh of relief the moment the class door slide open revealing their male homeroom teacher making her classmates (specifically ban yeoryeong) go back to their seats.

But she almost had a heart attack when he was followed by a pretty girl with long black hair tied into a low twin-tail by a blue white-striped ribbon and oceanic blue eyes.

A-ANOTHER ONE?!YOU‘VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME’ she screamed in her head looking at the girl with gentle features ‘no, no she just looks cute. Not on the same level as Ban Yeoryeong. A minor side villain maybe?’ she nodded, desperately reassuring herself in her mind.

Unknown to her, she‘s not the only one panicking inside.

‘WHAT'S UP WITH THEIR HAIR?! FUCKING HELL HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO EFFORTLESSLY BEAUTIFUL’ she gawked in her mind looking at the otherworldly four boys and what she believe to be the reincarnation of aphrodite



*Sips tea*

Guess who's back

Bonus fact: Mu narin‘s name literally means ’moon lily flower’

Narin-lily flower

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