"She was going to be number 28, right?" Becky asked.

"Yes," Stephanie confirmed, "but we're not sure how we're playing that just yet. I don't think we'll send you out right away. We might have Lana try to make it out to the ring but fall—maybe even have entrant 29 pass her by—and then you can come out and make your case. Carmella, you'll be the first of this bunch eliminated, then Bayley and Nia."

Nia didn't even try to hide rolling her eyes. "Of course. Three of the Four Horsewomen in the final four. Why not just replace me with Sasha and make it a full set?"

Stephanie silenced her with a piercing glare. "Keep it up, Jax, and we just might. Fans have been clamouring for a proper Four Horsewomen feud for years, after all." Once it was clear that Nia was going to be quiet, Stephanie continued. "And then Becky eliminates Charlotte for the win."

And then Becky eliminates Charlotte for the win. The words swam around Becky's head as Bayley practically jumped into her lap to hug her. "Serious?" she managed to squeak out. She had hoped and wished and dreamed, and even logically she knew it was the decision she would make if she were in control, but to hear it confirmed—not only confirmed, but with enthusiasm and pride—meant the world.

Stephanie mimed the Daniel Bryan Yes! Yes! Yes! gesture. "You heard me. We're all-in on your feud with Ronda and we want it to culminate at WrestleMania. Good luck out there, everyone." Giving Becky one of her trademark nose-crinkling smiles, Stephanie left the room.

Nia stood up and left without a word. Carmella smiled and gave Becky a high five. "Go get 'em, girl!" she declared. Charlotte just gave her a long hug—while Bayley was still squeezing her—and kissed the top of her head before heading out. Their rivalry last year had veered into personal territory, digging up long-held insecurities for them both; they were still best friends, but the dynamic between them was slightly bruised now and still recovering.

"Yes!" Bayley crowed, hauling Becky to her feet. "We have to go tell the guys! They'll be so stoked!" She practically dragged Becky to Catering, where Seth, Sheamus, and Cesaro were chatting over coffee. "HEY GUYS!" Bayley caught herself and glanced around before lowering her voice just a fraction. "Guess who's winning the women's Rumble tonight?" Then she did an NWO-style pose, pointing with both hands at Becky.

"Good for you, fella!" Sheamus stood and lifted Becky in a tight hug. "Go do Ireland proud, yeah?"

"Like always," Becky answered, hugging him back.

Cesaro was grinning from ear to ear. "Congratulations, Irish. Definitely well deserved." Then he pointed to Seth in a fashion far more sedate than Bayley's presentation. "Team CrossFit is representing, it seems."

Becky hugged Seth as soon as he stood. From her first days in NXT, he had been an incredible support and while his success had been astronomical, he had also faltered along the way. Knowing he was back on the ascent was a relief. "Really? That's great."

Seth gave a small shrug. "It's not final yet, but I've heard from enough people that I'm pretty confident."

"That's great!" Bayley joined in the hug. "Both my besties are gonna be wearing gold, and Sasha and I will get the women's tag titles!" Remembering that The Bar had just lost the SmackDown Tag Team Championships, she cringed and added, "And you guys will get your titles back soon. Miz and Shane will never last."

Cesaro held out his fist to bump. "Let's hope so." They all put their fists into the circle before stepping back. "You two better go get ready," he said to Bayley and Becky, "and Seth should get to Creative."

"And then we," Sheamus declared, "can break into the beer early!"

"Set the bar high!" Seth called out as the women left. Then he groaned. "I didn't mean that to be a damn pun, I swear...."

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