I. God Save the Prince.

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It's another usual day on The Bureau, everything is calm in the morgue, where I always have to be. I find it relaxing when Archer is on field work with Carmen, it gives me headaches just to hear his loud voice of a dog whistler screaming in the hall. Seems like adulthood hormones did nothing on his behavior and his voice.

Leaving Archer aside, I enjoy the peace while I eat some M&M's I got from the expending machine. I blame my girls for making me an addict for this candy.

One of the workers around banged on the door and entered with a long black bag that they left on the metal table where I work, together with a folder near my desk.

"Archer and his partner sent this, they say it's urgent..." The worker adds, worried to see me with a candy bag on my hands.

I cover my mouth before speaking. "Err, thank you. I'll have the file as fast as I can." They nod and close the door behind them after leaving the room. I'm already used to the smell of formol and putrid bodies, so I got a strong stomach.

I look at the black plastic while I prepare my instrumental and leave the candy on my desk, far from where I can throw them by accident and ruin everything.

Once I got my latex gloves and my mask ready, I open the zipper from the plastic that kept my cadaver covered. "Very good. Surprise me, corpse bag." I think.

My Korean eyes open slightly as I unzip and uncover the victim's face: none other than Prince Albert, heir to the English crown. The monarch was looking at the ceiling in disbelief. You can see the veins on his purple-ish face and the saliva in his mouth, anyone could guess he's been poisoned.

I take a look on his file before doing anything, and on the crime scene photos too. "Prince Albert, he was found inside a telephone box holding... A phone, on Westminster Lane, clear signs of poisoning." I take a breath. "Original, to my liking." I whisper, and leave the file aside.

Without any other words, it's time to do my job.


When I thought 'Corpse bag, surprise me', I didn't mean it on this way. A prince, an elite member, murdered in a simple phone box? I must give his killer some credit though, they get off the cliché of the important man shot in public.

I sent the notification that the necropsy results are ready a while ago, there's just left to wait until Jack Archer arrives to ridiculize himself and greet me to the new member.

In this moments I'd die for Lars to be here with me, hugging me. He works as hard as I do, we both deserve a break. Without him and my little ones everything feels so... What am I saying? My goodness, I look like a teenager in love, I must stop thinking on Lars for solid five seconds, even if it feels impossible to do so.

I hear the crystal door open, and take a look on who is it. As I was expecting, there was Archer and the novice from Pacific Bay.

I smile polite when I look them in, and lock my eyes on the new one. "Pleased to meet you. I'm your coroner, Angela Douglas." I offer them a hand, they take it.

"And it says so on her Nobel prize for biology! Cool, huh?!" Jack grins at the novice, he was pointing on the prize I keep at my desk.

I sigh. "Oh stop, Archer. But a Nobel prize isn't a big deal. Eliciting secrets from dead bodies, now that's–

B A N G !

A loud explosion interrupted me. The three of us turned back quickly to the direction of the explosion, just to see my hubby dearest with debris all over his pretty face, his hands holding a test tube with a smile on his lips.

"Baby! I've almost worked out the chemical compound of lithium bicarbonate!" He says, proud of himself.

I get near him while I clean the debris all over his face with a tissue. "This is Lars, my husband. He works in forensics. When he's not blowing up things, that is."

Lars turns to see them. "So you're the detective who brought Prince Albert. What a terrible murder." He says, on a sad tone.

I don't understand what's the deal about... But I follow the gloomy tone. "And guess what? The autopsy revealed the Prince was poisoned. His lungs were all filled with carbon oxychloride... You know, poisonous gas."

I cross my arms, and continue. "I examined the phone the Prince was holding. A small canister was hidden inside the phone, designed to release the gas whenever the phone was spoked into." I smirk. "Pretty sophisticated weapon, right?"

"But I don't get it, anyone could've picked up the phone and die of asphyxia in there. How did his killer know he would be in Westminster Lane?" Jack asks.

"We have no idea." I reply, and add: "However, I found traces of Camellia Sinensis inside the device. The killer must've had a nice cup of tea before murdering the Prince, manipulate the device and leave tea leftovers."

"But aren't English people widely known for drinking tea?!" Jack sighs... Then smiles determined. "Evidence is evidence. We'll catch this tea-drinking killer even if we have to interrogate every person on this damned island! We'll see you two later!" He finishes, and leaves with the novice following them behind.

I sigh. My sweet looks at me. "Well, we're stuck on a rainy land with warm tea and a dead prince. How about after this we cuddle and eat something?" He suggests, and I smile glad.

"But of course! Every second we can spend together here is gold. Even if we don't leave the headquarters-

Vibrations from my phone cut me off of my speech, again. I pick it up... And it's our babysitter, it can't be no good. I sigh, and answer the call. "Greetings. Angela Douglas speaking, do you need help with something?"

"Ooh, Mrs. Douglas." The girl on the other line speaks, she seems nervous. "I think I need some help here... U-Uh, one of the girls, May actually, is trying to hot-wire his dad's motorbike?"

"... I'm sorry, she did WHAT?" Lars looks confused at me on the phone.

Her voice cracks. "P-Please help, she won't listen to me- MAY! GET BACK HERE, PLEASE!" The phone suddenly hangs up.

I look at Lars, flabbergasted. "Did... Did I just heard May is trying to steal your motorbike?"

"My Harley?! AGAIN?" He gasps, quickly gets his keys. "I'll get there in a second!" And that's how he runs out of the lab, his lab coat waving on the wind. Probably encountering Jack on the way out.

I swear my children are sometimes a little bit too spoiled, last time we had something like this they made a tantrum over a tablet and that's on the slightest. Meanwhile, I text the babysitter my husband's on their way. I deeply sigh.

... Oh my.

Did I just let my husband go see our little ones, with the sitter around?

Damn it. I should've gone with him. I don't think I'll feel secure enough with my six year old on a motorbike and Lars leaving alone. I won't be calm with him going like that.

Just in case, I'll have to check she doesn't get too close.


I can't promise this fic will be long. :( However I'll try my best to write a cool story! :D

I'll be focusing on the cases that have most important information for Lars, Angela and the triplets, and a couple of extras too. You decide, do I give them a good or a bad ending?

Credits for the idea of Yandere Angela go to Gnomeiet , give them a big hug for filling my brain with inspiration! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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