I giggled a little and Tara looked over her shoulder and told me, “come out when you are ready. Your dad might come in here too to talk to you, but right now, just relax. Besides, Jax is probably just starting the barbeque now so you have time before it’s time to eat.”

            Nodding again, I told her, “thanks Tara.”

            She gave me one last smile before leaving my room and shutting the door behind me. I moved to lay on my bed, my feet dangling off of it as I rested my hands on my stomach. I could hear a lot more male voices. They were loud but they still seemed friendly. I just didn’t’ like all of the voices together. That meant that there were a lot of guys. I didn’t think that it would be a small motorcycle club so I don’t know why I hoped that there would be a small crowd. But by the sound of their booming voices, I could tell that there was a large number.

            I heard Tara saying for them to go outside and that they can set up some lawn chairs. A couple of minutes afterwards, the house seemed to be quieter. I let out a sign of relief and I moved to look at my Captain America poster. He wasn’t the only Marvel character that I liked. I loved the X-Men comic books and movies, but I guess my heart was for that blonde hero.

            It was so stupid and now I was embarrassed that I told Tara. What if she told Jax? There was no way that I could tell him about this.

            I jumped a bit when I heard the knock on the door again. I called out, “you can come in!” The door opened again and I saw my dad standing there. I gave him a small smile and he looked around my room as he stepped in.

            “Looks nice,” he commented.

            “Thanks.” I answered, giving him a small smile.

            He looked over the walls and asked, “Captain America?”

            I shrugged, “I guess you can say I’m a fan.”

            He chuckled and answered, “I guess I can.” He placed his hands into his jean pockets and he asked me, “Tara talk to you yet?”

            I nodded.

            Jax nodded as well, “Good. Umm…just stay in here until you are ready to come out. That can be before or after the food is ready. When it is I can come back in here and get you.”

            “Sounds good.” I answered.

            I let out a bit of a sigh, “can I go now?”

            Turning my head to look over at him, I saw the surprised look in his eye before he nodded, “yes, of course you can if you are ready to.”

            I nodded and gave him a soft smile before getting up off of the bed. I fixed my hair up a bit and my dad smiled, “you look fine.”

            I bit my lip and asked him as we both walked out of my room and down the hallway to the living room and kitchen, “how many of them are actually out there?”

            “A pretty big group. They look scary and mean but they aren’t. Might act weird around you too, say something weird or awkward but you’ll be okay.” Jax tried to encourage.

            I nodded and took in a deep breath before I went into the living room and saw through the back door a group of guys all in the same cut as Jax sitting in chairs, talking, and drinking beers. I gulped and looked at my dad and he gave me a smile, “if you aren’t ready then you can go back to your room.”

            I shook my head and told him, “might as well get this over with.”

            He gave me a smile and went in front of me and grabbed the door. He told me as he looked back, “I’ll introduce you. Tara is right by the door. The chair is already there and Gemma will be on the other side.”

            I gave him a nod, somewhat comforted that I would be close to Tara and Gemma while I was sure that those guys were going to be staring at me. Jax stepped outside and I stayed inside for a bit, rubbing my hands nervously together as I heard him say, “umm…hey guys I need your attention. All of it.”

            I gulped and there was a silence for a moment before I heard my father continue, “a couple of days ago I got some pretty big news…good news but still…I uh…”

            I bit my lip and my father continued again after placing his hands in his pocket, “I learned that I have a seventeen year old daughter. A couple of days ago she reached out to me. And I’ve been working with a couple of social workers and lawyers.”

            My hands were almost shaking and I heard a new voice say, “so…you’re keeping her?”

            “She’s not a puppy, Bobby.” I heard Tara answer.

            “And yes, the social worker approved of us this morning, that’s why we invited everyone over for the get together. I also want you all to meet her.” Jax said.

            I took that as my cue. I sighed before forcing myself to grab the door handle and I slowly opened the door. I saw Jax look back at me and I carefully stepped outside to see all of the eyes on me. This was a lot of people… I looked down a bit and saw Tara sitting right beside me and she gave me a comforting smile. I looked back at Jax and he gave me a smile as well, “guys, this is Sidney. Sidney this is Tig, Bobby, Piney, Happy, Juice, Kozik, and Chibs.”

            I looked at all the faces, Opie in the middle and I gave him one slight nod before going back to the rest nervously, Abel sitting on Chib’s lap. I gave them a small smile before I nervously went to sit down in a lawn chair beside Tara. She gave me a small pat on the leg for encouragement. I looked over and saw Tommy with Gemma and I gave him a smile as well when he giggled when finally seeing me. Jax continued, “she’s staying with Tara and I and I’m sure she will be around the clubhouse and TM more.”

            The guys nodded, some of them still looking at me and Opie, to break the ice, gave me a smile, “Sidney, I think you are going to be my beanie buddy.”

            I couldn’t help but giggle and even blush a little, Tara, Clay, and Gemma laughing at us.

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