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> You put your hand on zitas thigh.

"Well then, your're going down," you say.

"What?! What are you... oh dear me, yes please,"

Zita says.

> You love you zita.

Zita laughs.

"Oh, baby. You're looking to get tied up aren't you?"

she says.

"Well I'm not innocent," you protest.

"You're a good sport."

> You take out the most expensive ring in the world

and propose to her.

"I love you," you say, as you slide down on one knee

with a ring in hand.

Zita immediately sits up and turns a bit red.

"Zita, will you marry me?" you say.

"I... uhhh..." Zita replies.

"Say yes," you say.

"Yeah... fuck me, yes."

"Oh, thank the lord!" you say, taking the ring.

Zita grabs you into a tight hug and kisses you.

"I love you," she says.

You get up, sliding the ring onto her finger.

"Now... I just have one more question."


"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine now. I'm not going to die. You can stop

worrying," Zita says.

"Good to know," you reply.

"Now, did you buy the ring or something?"

"No. It was a gift from my dad."

"Well then, I want to see your dick," Zita says.


> You say "i'm a girl i don't have a dick"

Zita pushes you down to the ground and strips you

out of your clothes.

"Ooooh, yeah. You're lucky i'm a lesbian," she says,

licking her lips..

Zita The Unstoppable Sex RobotOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant