Avengers & Supernatural Crossover

Start from the beginning


„Jarvis, show me the inside of the left arm.“ Tony was interestingly observing his Mark VII armour on a screen where was Fury few seconds ago.

„What are you planning sir?“

„If I want to get this bastard again with no hassle, I'm gonna need something new. Something sofisticated and, much simple.“

Somewhere near Los Angeles

„I knew this was a bad idea! I knew it!“ Dean was repetedly shouting at Sam „We shoud've just continue with opening the gates of hell, but no, you had to bring us here to get rid of a god!“

Boys were both leaned on Impala as day turned into night. Instead of being happy like the rest of the world would be if they were in LA, Sam and Dean were disappointed. They were looking all over the town for Loki but couldn't find a clue abut him. It's like he has never existed.

„So what Dean? I was wrong. Do you really have to give me the 'you knew it' treatment. It's not like everything goes easy for you too, you know.“ Sam tried to defend himself but he knew very well that he made a mistake.

„Now what does that supposed to mean?“

„That nobody's perfect. Maybe this was a sign that we need a break. M-maybe God wanted us to go on a beach, take a dip, enjoy the sun, get some tan.“

„I thought you had a break when I was rotting in Purgatory. I think you had a nice break, Sammy.“

„You don't need to bring that up everytime we get into a fight.“

„If you haven't noticed we have fights quite often lately. Too much if you ask me.“

They spent next few minutes quietly while drinking beer. Not much was going on their minds. Sam was thinking about seriously taking a dip in a Pacific ocean but Dean couldn't help but thing about his bed back in Montana. They would probably sat down in Impala and drove back to Rufus' cabin if a noise from the sky didn't disturb them.

 „Sir, you do realise this suite will stop recieving power from the chestplate within few moments?“

„I know Jarvis, just try to give me few moments more to land somewhere.“ Tony nervously said while looking all around him.

He was flying above the LA area for minutes now, trying to find out where to land. He didn't have time to get to his house in Malibu so he decided to land in a nearby forest. He would then take a cab and get home to take another suite. When he was trying to upgrade Mark VII, although he did what he was aiming for, he reduced the availability of energy from chestplate. He barely made it to LA.

The second he thought he found the right place, his armour started opening itself and he started falling. He couldn't hold back loud screaming as he felt, but not on the ground. On something much more valuable. At least for Dean.

Tony landed directly on top of the Impala and crashed it completely. Sam noticed him falling down and removed Dean from his car right on time. It took him a few seconds to realise what has happened.

„What the hell?!“ Dean looked at his destroyed car with horror in his eyes „No, no, no baby, no!“ He came closer but hold still as he saw something was moving on top of his beloved pet.

„That was nasty.“ Tony murmured while trying to get out of the car and Mark VII.

„I'm seriously confused right now.“ Sam commented as he didn't know should he look at terryfied Dean of a metal man on their car.

„Oh God.“ Tony whined as he saw Sam and Dean looking at him „I'm sorry, I'm gonna pay for that. Actually I'm gonna fix it myself just get me out of here.“

„Wait a minute. I know who you are!“ Sam shouted with surprise „Tony Stark! What do they call you? Iron man! Yeah, Iron man.“

„Iron man?“ Dean fearfully looked at him „Iron man just destroyed my baby!“

„Oh crap, don't tell me you're emotionally tied to this car.“ Tony said as he stretched out his hands so they can pull him out.

„He is.“ Sam jumped in when he realised Dean won't be able to talk for awhile „But you said you can fix it, right?“

„Yeah, can you just...“

„Of course we can, Dean come on!“

Dean was completely shocked but still decided to help Tony get out of his Impala. He couldn't even speak. After all this time, all those repairment around his baby, it get's crashed. Again.

After Tony finally got up, Mark VII completely removed itself from his body and turned into a small iron case.

„Didn't had energy to land, but you could wrap yourself up, huh?“ Tony ironically said to his metal suit.

„Uhm, it's an honor to meet you, Mr Stark.“ Sam shaked his hand with Tony.

„Thank you.“ He smiled at him and then turned to Dean „And thank you for not furiously killing me because of all this.“

„I'm almost there.“ Dean took his hand and squeezed it as hard as he could „You smashed my car.“

„As I already said, I apologize for that.“ Tony barely pulled out his hand from Dean's grip „But I can fix it. Though I don't know why would you still want to have this piece of... Car. Is that Impala '67?“

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