Start from the beginning

I shook my head no before gagging and throwing up more into the toilet. I blindly reached for some toilet paper and wiped my mouth, tossing it into the toilet afterwards.

"Sorry that you have to see me like this," I sighed, embarrassed that Draco had to witness me projectile vomiting butt naked.

"Hey," he cooed, grabbing one of my hair ties off the countertop and poorly tying my hair into a makeshift ponytail. He tenderly glided his hand up and down my back, "In sickness and in health, remember?"

I smiled, keeping my eyes closed and my mouth hovering over the toilet. "Right. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me," he chuckled, kissing the back of my head. "Just hang in there. I'm going to grab your robe, okay?"

"Okay," my voice came out barely a whisper.

I pushed myself off the ground once I was sure that I had nothing left to vomit and flushed the toilet. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before stumbling over to the sink to wash my hands.

I spotted Draco in the mirror, now dressed in some sweatpants and sauntering up behind me with my silk robe in his hand.

I dried my hands with a towel. His fingers grazed my shoulder while he held the robe up behind me. I stuck my arms into the sleeves and put the robe on. Draco wrapped his arms around me to tie the robe's belt securely around my waist.

"I can tie it myself, you know," I joked, smiling as I watched the way his ring clad fingers worked around the silk ribbon.

"I know."

I noticed the smirk plastered on his lips as I gazed at him through the mirror. He took the hair tie out of my hair, moving all of my hair over one shoulder so that he could plant a trail of kisses down the exposed side of my neck.

I sighed into the kiss, befuddled by the fact that his touch could turn me on so easily despite the fact that I felt incredibly sick just seconds before.

Draco was about to lean in for a kiss on the lips when I planted the palm of my hand on his face and pushed him back.

"What was that?" he groaned, staring at me in feigned hurt.

"I just threw up," I laughed, reaching for my toothbrush. "You don't want to kiss me right now."

"No, I think I do," he fought back, jutting his chin out, puckering his lips, and closing his eyes as he waited for my kiss.

"You're so weird," I teased, pushing his face back again which caused a low chuckle to escape his lips.

"Fine, you go freshen up," he remarked. "I'll head downstairs to make sure breakfast is ready."

"Okay, thanks," I beamed at him through the mirror.

"Of course," he grinned, resting a hand on my hip and kissing my cheek. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before hovering his lips over my ear and whispering, "I'd do anything for you."

A shiver ran down my spine at his words. I spun around, eager to meet those crystal blue eyes, but he was already halfway out the door by the time I had turned around.

I humphed, smiling to myself before I started brushing my teeth.

My mind clouded with thoughts as I carried on with my morning regime.

I had been feeling nauseous for the past couple of days, not to mention my period was late. Initially, I thought nothing of it. But today's morning sickness convinced me otherwise.

After I brushed my hair and washed my face, I hurried back into the bedroom and grabbed my wand. I pointed it towards my belly, whispering an incantation that'll either confirm or deny my suspicions.

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