~The Arrival to Mondstadt~

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After training and learning for almost a year as a Harbinger, Y/N grew a lot stronger. She was strong before even becoming one, but after training under the command of the Tsaritsa, she grew even stronger.

That was why the Tsaritsa finally allowed Y/N to go help the other Harbingers out, and introduce herself to them, since almost none of them knew about the newest addition to the Harbingers.

The first place Y/N was ordered to visit, was the city of wind and freedom, Mondstadt. She had heard that one or two other Harbingers should be there, and that was enough.

Y/N even had a small plan on what to do in Mondstadt after she arrives, which didn't really include much Fatui stuff. That would all come later.


As the small, and quite normally looking carriage, I had travelled all the way from Snezhnaya in, finally got closer to the city of wind and freedom, Mondstadt itself, I began to feel relieved the way here was successful and without any complications.

I was glad I was finally about to see another city outside Snezhnaya and even meet more comrades of mine. The one I met so far, Dottore... he isn't quite the person I'd like to hang around with. I hoped I would get along with them. Or a little at least.

I didn't really take too much stuff with me from Snezhnaya, so my suitcase was actually not that big.

The carriage stopped nearby Mondstadt. Even if it didn't draw too much attention, it would definitely draw attention by just simply going there.

I checked I had everything. My suitcase, my purse which I had already hid my vision into, some Mora and the letter that would inform the Fatui Agents about my arrival. I would give that to them later though.

I had thanked the person who was driving the carriage all the way here, and then began walking towards the nearby gates of the city.

I was told where to look for the Fatui Base, so I knew that wouldn't exactly be the problem.

I walked from one side of the bridge to the other, before I was stopped by one of the guards by the gates, whos name I didn't knew at all.

"Halt there, traveller. State your business before entering " He said, stepping in my way. He was just as tall as me, so him standing in my way didn't feel really weird. I hated when I had to stare down or look up at people with bigger height differences.

"I am a traveller from Liyue, and I came here to Mondstadt to take a look at the culture, since I'm really interested in the cultures of other nations." I simply lied to him, just hoping it would work. It surprisingly actually did.

"Alright then, enjoy our city and I hope you have a pleasant stay." He said, and stepped out of my way once again. This was suspiciously too easy..

"Thank you." I nodded and walked inside the city, not really wanting to waste time with talking to a guard.

I had better things on my mind, like actually exploring the city for a bit. After all, if something happened, it would be for the better if I knew how to get around.

I took all my things, and quickly moved up go the plaza, which had a fountain in the middle and shops around.

I saw a restaurant, so that was probably the place I would go to for food. There were some others shops there as well, but they weren't so interesting to me.

I took a quick stroll around the city, making sure to remember important spots, like the taverns, side exits, good hiding spots and the part where most of the Fatui lived here in Mondstadt.

That's the place I ended my walk at.

I walked around, trying to find the main place or the entrance to the main building, but I was sudenly pinned against a wall and probably not in the nice or flirty way.

"Immediately tell me why you are sneak around, stranger." A feminine voice said, belonging to a slightly taller blondie with a mask.

"I-.." I slightly, and luckily, barely visibly blushed and looked at the female.

After a few seconds, I realized that this was probably one of the Harbingers I was looking for. I heard the Snezhnayan accent, and who really wears masks in Mondstadt beside the Fatui? That was why I didn't have my on.

"Speak." She said, sounding a little angry. It probably looked like I was trying to spy around.

I teleported behind her, before I could turn more red and so I could reach for my vision. I quickly put it back into it's place. It felt better when it was on my necklace, and not hidden.

"I was ordered by the Tsaritsa to come here, seek out the Fatui and help with whatever needed. It's a pleasure to meet you." I said, maybe a little too formally. It sounded a bit funny to me.

That certainly wasn't like me at all.

But, it seemed like Ms. Blondie quickly understood what was actually going on. That was a good sign so far.

"So, the Tsaritsa has chosen a new Harbinger? How very interesting.. May I know your name?" She asked with a little smirk, looking me up and down.

"I go by Y/N, and yes. You are correct. And who do I have the pleasure to be meeting?" I nodded, with a tiny smile.

I did know the names of all the Harbingers, but there was no way I could recognise them by their looks.

Blondie just chuckled over that, "I am La Signora. The 'Fair Lady' of the Fatui Harbringers. I hope you've heard of me at least."

"Ah, of course I did. And I am glad that you are the first Harbinger I get to meet." I replied, doing a little courtesy as a joke.

"Good~" She just said with a chuckle, "Now, let's head inside to deal with other matters. We will be sure that not a single word gets out." She began walking somewhere, probably off towards the main spot.

I just followed her with a nod, a little smile and a little blush.

I was glad that it was Mondstadt, where I was tasked to go...

Word Count: 1066

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