"Uh..." I could feel myself blushing. "I did not think THIS would happen." 

"Well," Tony put down his blasting arm, realising I was no longer a threat, "now we have two hulks. Great."

"How do I uh... make it stop?" I looked down myself. 

"Think we know?" Tony asked, his arms crossed. 

I looked at my reflection again. "It's not just anger." I said softly. "It's any extreme emotion. I just need to learn how to channel and control it." 

"Well good thing you're not emotional, or we'd have outbursts every week." Tony said, sarcasm dripping off every word.

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe it's a good thing Stark."

"You're not gonna kill me are you?" Steve asked. 

"No." I gave him a death stare. "But I am so pissed at you." 

He started to talk "Roara, please, I am-" I threw one of my daggers at his head. Of course he dodged, but it lodged itself into the metal beam behind him. 

I flicked my empty hand, feeling the anger flow through me allowing it to form another dagger. "Want me to do it again?"

"Not particularly." He replied. 

"Then don't even try to apologise. I am too pissed off to try to even work it out with you right now." I said. I decided to try something. Using all my concentration I created a vine, holding it in my hand throwing and it like a lasso. It caught on the handle of the dagger and I pulled it out of the wall. It suddenly felt... easy. It had been becoming easier but now it was like second nature. 

I turned to Tony. "Loki didn't leave because I was hard to please. He left because he didn't love me. I was a toy to him. And then he realised that he'd created this," I gestured to myself, my hair around my head, the war paint like streaks on my cheek, the single wooden dagger in my hand, "and like always he refused to take responsibility for his actions. So he left me." 

"Sounds like my brother." Thor said coming in. "You look like an Asgardian warrior Roara. I see you've finally found the extent of the power my brother bestowed upon you." 

"Not quite." I flexed my fingers. "There's something else." 

"What?" Natasha asked, her gun back in her holster.

"I don't know yet."

"You do have something else that you haven't shown them." Thor prompted.

"It's not that. And I know. But I'm not going to do that. Never again." 

"Do what?" Bruce asked. "Don't tell me you can grow horns or something." 

I sighed. "I'm not the devil Banner, and even if I was I still wouldn't. There's something... something I can't quite grasp." I stepped out of my crater and gingerly got into a chair. As I began to calm down the air around me shifted to be calmer. The vibrations in the air evaporated. 

"That blast of energy," Stark said, "what was it?"

"Air." Thor said quietly. "I have controlled enough storms to know."

"Thor how do I stop the hair? The colours on my face seem to suit me, but the hair is getting annoying now. I'm not going to manage to sleep like this." 

Thor walked up and to me and placed a giant hand on my shoulder. My long dark hair fell back around my shoulders. The hair seemed to have made everyone nervous, as a collective easing of tension was visible around the room once it went back to its normal state. 

"These damages to my building are going to come out of your pay check by the way." Tony said sitting down.

"I don't get payed." I grumbled.

"Could you pass me that dagger Roara?" Bruce asked. I slid it across the table to him. "Thanks. It's strange... it is wood but... it doesn't have the properties of wood." 

"Asgardian materials are stronger than those on earth. It is Abrark wood. We no longer use it but long ago we made weaponry out of it. That was before we discovered better materials of course." 

"I like daggers I've decided." I said, conjuring another one of a different design. This power made me feel like I was drunk, almost like an out of body experience. I knew this wasn't going to last for long, that I would feel drained soon, but it was a nice feeling while it lasted. 

"They are Loki's weapon of choice." Thor said to me. "Though of course you wouldn't know that."

"Thought it was knives?" Tony said.

"Both are the weapons of tricksters." Thor muttered.

"So now that I can do this," I produced a braided vine in the palm of my hand, making it twine down my forearm, "when do we get to work?" 

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