Favourite Moment 10

Start from the beginning

Hermione was waiting at the bottom of the stairs in her royal blue bridesmaids dress that matched Ginny's as well as Angelina's George's wife. I had only chosen the three of them to be my bridesmaids because I didn't really have anyone else to choose. They were the three people closest to me, so they were my bridesmaids.

"You look beautiful Taylor." Hermione smiled, picking her small bouquet up off of the kitchen table. It was quite a sunny day to say that it was early October, you'd expect it to be raining or cold for English weather, but it wasn't. It was the perfect day for our wedding.

"Thank you." I smiled genuinely. I took a deep breath and followed Ginny and Taylor outside towards the marquee that had been put up this morning by the Weasley's. They were so good to myself and Mattie to say that we weren't even family.

As we made it to the entrance, Ginny hooked her arm through mine and gave me a smile. I had asked her to walk me down the aisle because my parents were no longer around. She was happy to comply. I wouldn't want anyone other than Ginny to walk me down the aisle, except maybe my Dad who unfortunately couldn't be there.

"Could everybody please stand for the bride." I heard the priest say from behind the curtain, the only thing that separated me and my bridesmaids from the rest of the wedding party and Mattie.

The bridal march began to play and Hermione and Angelina walked down the aisle first with me and Ginny following a few steps behind. Mattie's lovely Mum, Helena, was sat on the front row of the groom's side of the marquee grinning widely at me with tears streaming down her face. She was such a kind and understanding woman, she was brilliant.

Harry and Ron were sat on the front row of my side of the wedding party with spare seats for Hermione and Ginny, Mr and Mrs Weasley were sat on the other end of their row. Our wedding party wasn't big, but it was just right for the two of us.

I reached the front and took Mattie's hand's, grinning widely.

"Miss Weasley, as you walked Miss Daniels down the aisle in the place of her father, do you give these two people permission to marry?" The priest asked Ginny as she stood at the side of us.

"I do." Ginny nodded her head once, gave me a quick side hug and scrambled over to her seat next to Harry.

"Let us proceed then. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Matthew Henry Windsor and Taylor Anne Daniels. If any person has any reason why these two people shall not be married, please say so now, or forever hold your peace." The priest looked around the room to see if anybody objected to our marriage. When nobody spoke, he carried on.
"Now, can you both recite your own vows to each other. Mr Windsor." The priest smiled at Mattie. Mattie nodded his head in reply and squeezed my hand's, taking a deep breath.

"Taylor Daniels, I never thought I'd ever fall for someone as loud and eccentric as you. Life has a funny way of proving you wrong sometimes though and I'm so glad it did because if it didn't, we wouldn't be standing here today. I love the way that you're so honest, you don't care what anyone thinks and you tell them straight if you have a problem with them. You're funny in your own way and you don't even realise it sometimes. You are the most beautiful and amazing person to ever enter my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby Taylor. I love you." Mattie grinned.

Never did I ever think that something as soppy as a wedding vow could make me cry, but Mattie's did and I couldn't help but feel so loved and special. I had never felt that way. Knowing that you're special to someone is the most perfect feeling ever and it's amazing.

"Oh wow, that's hard to follow. Okay, Mattie Windsor, I don't think we can take the credit of finding each other because if it wasn't for Ginny and Colette, we wouldn't even know each other. I have so much to thank those two for, seriously. Anyway, I've never felt so many feelings towards one person like I have for you. You're a truly perfect person for putting up with all of my outbursts and mini temper tantrums. You get me like no one else does, well maybe except Ginny, but I've never felt so loved by someone and I'm glad that I fell in love with you. I love you very much Mattie Windsor, and I can't wait to become Mrs Windsor." I smiled. He grinned widely at me, tears welling up in his eyes.

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