Ben or not here we come

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A/N Here is chapter 2

The 2 sisters were asleep until suddenly the alarm goes on from their phone they woke up with a smile in their face and they couldn't be wait to go to their school Anna was in the 5th grade also Ben and Jen was in the 2nd grade

"Morning, big sis" Jen said

"Good morning" Anna said as they gave high five, Jen Then ran out of the room and entered the bathroom first soon she got out

"Um, Sis Ben's being too quiet" Jen said pointing at Ben's room

"I have got an Idea to wake him up" Anna said evilly as she grabbed her Sister's right wrist to Ben's room

However Ben wasn't there as Ben hugged Anna while shivering "What happened to Ben?" Jen said nervously as Ben kept on shaking

"What's wrong, Benny?" Anna said sadly to her older twin brother

"C-C-C-!" Ben said unable to say something

"Cash and J.T.?" Jen said as Ben shook his head

"Oh yeah also Jermaine and Nastya" Anna said

"Ugh! those Guys are jerks" Ben said and began to adjust the Ommitrix and set it to four arms

"No, No, No, No transforming" Anna said

"Ben, Anna, Jen come on" Carl and Sandra yellied from downstairs as the girls went down Ben groaned before walking downstairs as there was a paper on his back that said "kick me" Ben then went down to his Family as Jen took the paper off of Ben's back

"Ben, what happened?" Jen asked.

"Well" Ben began


Ben woke up with a groan in the middle of the night with red eyes.

"Can't believe Charmcaster basically ignored me who wouldn't wanna fight me" Ben complained

Ben jumped out of bed and adjusted his ommitrix and hit it

(Ben's arms turned red as his legs turned red as Ben grew wings and a tail as he Flew around before Jetray strikes a pose)

Jetray flew out the window and was looking at the stars

"Ok time to go on protrol" Jetray said and landed on a roof and looked down to see Cash and J.T. were watching a video of Ben running from squids.

Jetray busted into Cash's room

"Not cool" Jetray said before timing out as Cash and J.T cracked their knuckles as Ben gulped.

*Flashback end*

"And they gave me a Atomic wedgie" Ben told Anna and Jen as they ride inside the Car

"I hope you have a great time at school, Kids" Sandra said

"Thanks, mom" Ben said

"All time it's time for school" Jen said

The kids soon arrived to the school as Kevin was standing next to the door

"Kevin I forgot you went here now if you would be so kind to move" Ben said.

An 11 years old girl came to Kevin she was the same version as Kevin she has brown eyes and Raven-Black long hair wearing a black dress and Jeans pants and the same shoese as Kevin but with purple instead of red she also wore a purple Antitrix on her left wrist with letter "H" on it she was Kevin's younger twin sister and Allison's Younger sister by age Helen Edith Levin

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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