Chapter 6

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When Natalia woke up it was unusually dark and the bed she lay on was way to soft to be hers. She rolled over and jumped when an arm went around her before she realized. 

She had fallen asleep In Aleksander's bed after eating two huge trays of rolls and sweets. 

And of course, his bed was bigger and softer than hers.  

"Go back to sleep little Hajefetla, it is not morning yet." Aleksander murmured in his usual scratchy morning voice.

"I forgot I was here. " She said with a chuckle. He laughed a bit too.

Then she realized something. 

she studied him. he looked like he was trying to sleep. oh well, he could sleep later, she was more important.

Aleksander always called her 'Hajefetla' it was Fjerdan for 'Songbird' 

She didn't know why he called her that, but she never, ever questioned it.

"Aleks?" She asked. 

"Hmm?" He asked still half asleep.

"Why do you call me Hajefetla?" She asked quietly.

He grinned despite being exhausted.  

''I'd forgotten you didn't know...When I first met you, in the woods-" 

"I know where we met Aleks-"

"Shh don't interrupt. Anyway, when we first met in the woods, I heard you singing to Crow after you'd thought I'd fallen asleep. You sang to him every night of our travel to Os Alta. You reminded me of a Songbird."

Lia's cheeks were flushed.

"You were awake?" She groaned in embarrassment. He opened one eye to peek at her.

"Is someone embarrassed Lia?" He asked with a goofy smile. 

She buried her face against his chest.

"Yes!" She mumbled.

Aleksander chuckled. 

"You call me a Trassel. What's the story behind that?" He asked. 

"There is no story! You are a troublemaker!" She exclaimed through her laughter. 

"You sound like Baghra." He grumbled making her laugh harder

"You know I'm right!" She said still laughing.

"Ahh!" Lia said as Aleksander shoved her off the bed. At the last second, she caught him and pulled him off the bed as well. They landed together in a heap of tangled limbs. 

Lia was dying laughing and soon Aleksander joined in. 

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