Chapter 1: New Town

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I'm in Kansas now and unpacking. Eating my dinner which is boring old pizza. Maybe I'll meet some new people or maybe even make some friends. I never really had a friend before... I have always been bullied for my height... I guess people don't like tall girls.

My dad is gone and all I have own of him is this beautiful blue gem necklace I'm unsure of the kind of gem and metal it's made of but I do know that it's really pretty and he gave me it the day before he died.

I'm looking in my new mirror and I see a tall girl with chestnut hair and light green eyes- me.

I smiled at myself, then soon hurried to finish unpacking.
"Why do I get messed with ALL the time?" I asked myself as I neatly unpacked my overflowing bags and boxes.

But with some much needed help from my younger siblings I finished in no time! By that time was around 12 at night and then not much longer I had to go to bed because tomorrow I would have to go to school because I was only in the 11th grade.

Well hello my fries how are you man I'm bored af.

Your mother, Jimmothy

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