Hawk - Accident (Request)

Start from the beginning

Wow, I almost got hurt there. He thought with a dumbfounded look on his face.

There was a chance I could of died he thought while turning to accelerate as the light had turned green.

Imagine if I did die, I'd probably leave my favourite person in the world on bad terms he thought while becoming sad.

God what am I doing? I need to make things right with her. I never want to leave her again. I love h-



It had been a week since the accident. You didn't find out about him being in the hospital until his mom had called you from the hospital explaining what happened. Apparently someone had sped through a red light at an intersection and ultimately hit him causing him to fly off his bike.

When hearing this you immediately got your coat and headed to the hospital without a second thought. Once you got there, you learned that he was in a coma, which had made you burst into tears.

For the next 7 days you had stayed there by his side, holding his hand, waiting for him to open those baby blue eyes of his that you loved so much.

His parents we're there as well. They would often stay with him when you had to go home to either eat, sleep, or shower. Other than that, you were basically there 24/7.

On the seventh day. The doctors finally concluded that if he was to not wake up in the next week or so, they may have to take him off life support.

Hearing this made your entire world crumble. You hardly moved from the chair right beside him after that. Fortunately, that afternoon, your prayers had been answered. He finally woke up.

You hovered over him anxiously as you watched him slowly open his eyes, adjusting to the brightness in the room.

You smiled as he saw you hovering over him. He looked confused as he looked around. "Y-y/n?" He said with a dry voice.

"Hey there." You replied softly while running your hands through his loose red hair.

"W-what happened?" He asked you still confused as ever,

"You were in a motorcycle accident baby" you answered back gently.

His eyes widened a bit hearing that which made him look at his body. You figured he was wondering what he injured.

"You have a broken femur, a sprained ankle, a broken wrist, 3 broken ribs, one bruised rib, and finally a concussion" you answered before he could ask.

He just nodded as a response. You didn't know what else to say so you just went to get the doctor to let them know he was awake.

the doctor came rushing in to do some tests, ask questions to Hawk and to answer questions Hawk may have for him. Soon his parents arrived, with tearful smiles and lots of hugs knowing their son was going to be ok.

You decided to give the family some privacy and come back later. It also gave you time to work up what you were going to say to Hawk after your last encounter.


You come back to the hospital a couple hours later freshly showered and clean, bearing McDonald's in your hand. You figured that he would already be sick of eating hospital food and decided to bring something for him.

Once you got to his room, you see him in the exact same spot as last time, on his phone. He notices a presence at the door and looks up from his phone.

He gives you a small smile and just says "hey".

"Hi" you said coming over to his side.

You put the MacDonalds on the counter beside him. "I got us some McDonald's! I figured you already hate hospital food and you'll be staying bed for the next couple weeks so I decided to bring something exciting" you explained.

"You're the only thing I get excited about" he says softly gazing in your eyes. You grinned back at him.

"So... that means more McDonald's for me?" You asked him jokingly.

He laughed out loud. "I never said that silly. Now, what did you get me" he said staring over at the bag in eagerly.

You roll your eyes at him playfully. "Well I got you you're favourite of course, a double cheeseburger, and a ginger ale" you said while bringing them out of the bag.

Once you get everything sorted. The both of you start eating. Him with his cheeseburger and you with (your McDonald's choice). After a while it got silent as the elephant in the room finally revealed itself.

"Hey look... I'm really really sorry for how I acted. I should have never beat up that waiter. It's just the way he was looking at you like a piece of meat made me angry, because you're so much more than that. I love you. I love you so much it hurts and I'm just afraid that one day, I'll lose you like that to some other guy. I'm really sorry. " he said finishing his apology.

You leaned over to him and kissed him softly on the lips. You then rested your foreheads against each other, while gently cupping each other's cheeks.

"All is forgiven." You whispered.

You have no idea how happy this made me.

Let me know if y'all have anymore requests!

Word Count: 1501

Jacob Bertrand ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now