PT2 - Charles Leclerc (NSFW)

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After getting ready, you ate your breakfast and made your way to the hotel. Lisa was already waiting for you with the Ferrari red hairclip. She put it in your hair for you and you started your day after chatting with her. You knew the team would arrive around 11AM, so around 10:30 you made sure that everything really was covered, and that you had all the key cards so you wouldn't mess anything up. You were really nervous now, fiddling with the ring on your finger, thinking about the possibility of Charles remembering you and gifting you the T-shirt. Just a bit after 11, the team started arriving. You made sure you had everything close when everyone came to collect their key cards. Just like the previous year you gave information about breakfast and dinner, and which floor they had to go up to. You hadn't seen Charles yet, what disappointed you a little bit. The team members thanked you and all made their way towards the elevator. You were left alone with the key card for Charles and the realisation hit you that when he would arrive, you guys would be alone!

While waiting for him to arrive you helped Lisa with doing some overbooking work, which was murdering your brain, but you're a good friend and you needed to be doing something to take your mind away from the thoughts of seeing Charles. Around 11:30 someone cleared their throat, what made you look up, straight into his beautiful eyes. "Hello Sofia" he said with a huge smile on his face, "I'm very happy to see that you are still working here!" You feel like your head is on fire, but you don't really care. He remembered!! And he's smiling! Your face lights up, and he immediately takes note that you're also happy to be seeing him. "Hi Charles, so good to see you again!" when you give him the key card, he takes a hold of your hand. You look up at him with a questioning look, while blushing like crazy. "I would like to ask you something, and if I don't do it now, I might never do it..." he looks kind of unsure of himself, but continues hesitantly, "would you maybe like to go out for dinner with me, tonight?" You start nodding and excitedly say that you'd love to. It seems like Charles' smile only got bigger after that. He takes the key card and leaves after you guys decided at what time he will pick you up from home.

The remaining hours of the workday are killing you, especially after you told Lisa. She didn't want to shut up about what you should wear or what you had to do with your hair. You at least decided to keep the red clip in your hair, thinking of pairing it with a cream-coloured dress that you loved. When you were finally allowed to leave, you sprinted home to get ready and change. Your mind could barely comprehend that you were actually going on a date with Charles! You were so excited! Right on time your doorbell rings, so you take one last look at your hair, making sure the red of the clip is visible, and open the door.

"Hi!" you say nervous but excited, seeing Charles beam at you from your doorstep. "You look so beautiful, I love the hairclip you're wearing, red looks good on you" he says while raking his eyes over your body. You can't help but feel your cheeks go even more red than they already were. Since he is so shamelessly checking you out, you figure you could do the same. His hair is styled, but still looks a bit messy, you kind of want to run your fingers through it. He's wearing a white button up, with the top buttons undone and black jeans. He reaches for your hand and together you get in the car. "Where are we going?" you ask curiously. He blushes and says "I might have asked your co-worker friend Lisa where you would like to eat, so we're going to the pasta place you love. Unless you would rather eat somewhere else! I don't mind really". You place your hand on his knee to reassure him and tell him that you would love to eat at your favourite pasta place. You chat about what you did the remaining hours at work, and he tells you about the preparations he has been doing.

The date has been going really well so far, you've exchanged hilarious stories, talked about your families, but also about your favourite foods when you were kids and the best shows to watch on Netflix. It felt like you had known each other for years, and it made you so happy. Charles had put his chair closer to you halfway through the date, saying he couldn't hear you well enough with how loud the other customers were. The moment he sat closer to you, his hand was on your hand immediately, and a while later on your thigh. You both hadn't had a lot of alcohol, one glass of red wine only, but you swear you felt a little drunk from being so close to him and touching him. After he paid, you wanted to pay your part but he wasn't having any of it, you walked back towards the car. It was a little past 9PM by now, but you really didn't want tonight to end. While he was driving you back home, you were wrecking your brain on how to get him to come inside. His hand was mindlessly caressing your hand, and it was driving you crazy. Suddenly you remembered the shirt he gave you last year, so without thinking any longer you asked him "by the way, were you the one who left that shirt on my desk after the race last year?"

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